Striving to be the best, not the biggest! |
Sale 81
Portland Spring Auction
Foreign Country Collections |
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Lot 1172 |
o/ Austria, Offices in Levant collection. Consisting of 6 used cards incl. 2 Gruss-Aus, 6 mint singles incl. 3 Dues, and about 50 used singles 19th & 20th century, decent strikes, generally Fine to Very Fine. Estimate $150.
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| Unsold |
Lot 1173 |
o Austria, Collection in a stockbook. About 1200 different, majority used to 1970 with few better back of the book, Fine. Scott $745 (Owner's). Estimate $70.
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| Realized $81 |
Lot 1174 |
 Austria, FDC collection. About 500 in 6 albums, 1966 to 1985, mostly cacheted unaddressed, Fine to Very Fine. Estimate $50.
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| Realized $75 |
Lot 1175 |
P Austria, Collection of black proofs. Few hundred, 1956 to 1980, Fine to Very Fine. Estimate $50.
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| Realized $104 |
Lot 1176 |
o Belgian Congo, Used dealers stock. Few thousand from 1909 to 1940's, lots of duplication on common issues but few better, Fine. Estimate $150.
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| Realized $299 |
Lot 1177 |
o Belgian Congo, Unusual used accumulation. Many hundreds off-paper in glassines, or on paper, 1910 to 1960, nice variety with few better, Fine. Estimate $70.
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| Realized $104 |
Lot 1178 |
/o Belgium & Colonies, Collection on handmade pages. Many hundreds on handmade pages from 1851 to 1956, majority used with some mint o.g. semi-postal sets, better incl. used #121, 136, mint 172-184, plus back of the book issues and nice Belgian Congo collection, Fine. Estimate $200.
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| Realized $431 |
Lot 1179 |
 Bhutan, Small group of modern registered covers. 80, mostly late 1990's era to Bank of Bhutan, couple with 3-D stamps, few with stains or creases, Fine. Estimate $50.
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| Realized $46 |
Lot 1180 |
o Brazil, Collection on pages. Over 900, mostly used with few o.g. singles, 1844 to 1969, Average to Fine. Scott $825. Estimate $100.
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| Realized $109 |
Lot 1181 |
 / China, Extensive P.R.C. mint collection in 3 albums. Few thousand on handmade pages in 3 albums, 1949 to 2000, o.g. or ungummed to late 1960's, mostly n.h. from 1970 on, better incl. #542-559, 661-680, 716-731, 767-781, 799-803, 834-849, 863-873, 899-906, 1067-1075, 1054-1057, 1108-1113, 1211-1214, 1617, 1904, from 1982 to 1989 most issues in blocks of 4, Fine to Very Fine. Estimate $1,000.
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| Realized $7,475 |
Lot 1182 |
/o China, Interesting collection on handmade pages. Few thousand from 1885 to 1956, majority used with scattering of mint o.g. sets or singles, better incl. used #19, mint 22, 78-80 (faulty), and 175, also nice group of Provinces issues, worth a close look, Average to Fine. Estimate $750.
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| Realized $1,668 |
Lot 1183 |
  China, Taiwan 1960's mint accumulation. Few hundred n.h. incl. souvenir sheets with duplication incl. #1135-1136, 1261-1264 (3), 1269 (16), 1319 (10), Fine to Very Fine. Estimate $200.
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| Realized $374 |
Lot 1184 |
/o Crete, Small collection on pages. About 100 with some duplication, 1898 to 1910, majority used with few o.g. singles, Average to Fine. Estimate $70.
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| Realized $46 |
Lot 1185 |
/o Danzig, Small collection on handmade pages. Couple hundred 1920 to 1939, majority used but with few mint o.g. sets incl. #241-254, Fine. Estimate $70.
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| Realized $98 |
Lot 1186 |
/o Denmark, Collection on handmade pages. Many hundreds, 1851 to 1955, majority used with scattering of o.g. singles or sets, better incl. mint #3, used 15, 80, and 135, few 19th century with faults, otherwise Fine. Estimate $200.
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| Realized $230 |
Lot 1187 |
/ Egypt, Collection and accumulation including covers. Many hundreds incl. collection 1870 to mid-1960's on pages (o.g. or used) plus new issues from 1950's/1960's, FDC's, small group of interesting earlier commercial covers, Fine. Estimate $150.
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| Realized $242 |
Lot 1188 |
/o France & Colonies, Extensive mint and used stock. In 3 small red boxes on #102 or 106 cards and in binder, retail from 15¢ to $650 (no sliders) with condition above what normally seen, minor dupl., mostly regular issues but also Back of the Book with Semis, few Colonies, strong in Peace & Commerce issues on with mint, 19th century mostly used, 20th century mostly mint with later extensive n.h., retail $32,000, Fine to Very Fine overall. Estimate $6,000.
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| Realized $6,900 |
Lot 1189 |
 France, Mostly stampless to 1950's period covers. Few hundred priced for retail, incl. Napoleon, Sage period, few Colonies, priced from $1.50 to $460, retail $5973, Fine overall. Estimate $1,300.
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| Realized $1,380 |
Lot 1190 |
/o France & Colonies, Collection on handmade pages. Couple thousand, 1850 to 1955 majority used with some mint o.g. sets especially in semi-postal issues, better incl. used #C15, mint B66-67, B285-290 plus Colonies, few faults in 19th century, Fine. Estimate $450.
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| Realized $403 |
Lot 1191 |
/o France, Collection in 3 albums. Few thousand from 1870 to 1999, majority mint o.g., mostly n.h. from 1970 on, better incl. mint o.g. #126 (faulty), 132, B285-290, B294-299, some 1920's to 1930's both o.g. and used, Fine to Very Fine. Estimate $400.
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| Realized $633 |
Lot 1192 |
 France & Colonies, Accumulation of mostly FDC's. About 700, 1950's to 1980's, mostly cacheted unaddressed with few maxi-cards and earlier commercial, lots of topical issues, Fine to Very Fine. Estimate $150.
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| Realized $288 |
Lot 1193 |
/o Germany & States, Mint and used stock. In 6 small red boxes on #102 cards, 2 boxes of States, particularly Bavaria, Thurn & Taxis (retail $22,000) with retail from 15¢ to $60 (no sliders) with condition above what normally seen, minor dupl. only, balance in regular issues and Back of the Book with Offices, and Locals, 19th century mostly used, 20th century mostly mint, retail $29,000, generally Fine to Very Fine. Estimate $6,000.
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| Unsold |
Lot 1194 |
/o German Area, Extensive collection in 2 albums. Few thousand on Vario pages, 1850's to 1990, used or mint o.g. to 1957, mostly mint n.h. from 1958 on, incl. States, Empire, Third Reich, Federal Republic, Berlin, DDR, Occupations, Saar, Danzig, Offices & Colonies, better incl. used #27-28, 65A, mint o.g. 351-362, C27-C34, plus interesting group of pairs and blocks from booklet panes, few 19th century with faults, otherwise Fine. Estimate $1,500.
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| Realized $1,150 |
Lot 1195 |
/o German Area, Collection in 3 Lindner hingeless albums. Couple thousand, 1850's to 1967, majority used with some later mint sets (few n.h.), incl. States, Empire, Third Reich, Federal Republic, Offices and nice group of Colonies, few faults and questionable items but still attractive collection, Fine. Estimate $1,000.
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| Realized $834 |
Lot 1196 |
 German Area, Collection of shipping lines covers. 730 covers or postcards, 1930's to 1980's in 7 albums, great variety of markings and ships mailed from all over the world, Fine, Ex Gus Lund . Estimate $600.
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| Realized $518 |
Lot 1197 |
/o German Area, Collection in 6 albums. Thousands from 1880's to 1999, majority mint o.g. incl. Empire, Third Reich, Federal Republic, DDR (incl. #82-84), Danzig and few States, lots of modern mint n.h. sets with few better semi-postals, Fine or better. Estimate $500.
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| Realized $633 |
Lot 1198 |
 German Area, Collection of seapost covers in 6 albums. 550 covers or postcards, 1930's to 1980's, shipping lines incl. North German, Hapag, Hsdg, plus Baltic Sea Ferries, etc, Fine, Ex Gus Lund . Estimate $500.
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| Realized $518 |
Lot 1199 |
/o German Area, Collection on handmade pages. Many hundreds from 1850's to 1956, majority used with scattering of mint o.g. singles or sets, incl. States, Occupations, Third Reich, Federal Republic, DDR, Saar, and some Colonies, few 19th century with faults, worth a close look, Fine. Estimate $500.
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| Realized $403 |
Lot 1200 |
/o German Area, Large accumulation in 11 small boxes. Many thousands, majority used with some mint inflation era (some n.h.), mostly Empire and Third Reich issues, somewhat sorted in envelopes with small group of on paper, great for specialists looking for varieties and cancels, Fine. Estimate $400.
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| Realized $518 |
Lot 1201 |
/o German Area, Collection in Scott specialty album. Many hundreds to 1952, majority used with few better postwar o.g. sets, also States and Saar, Average to Fine. Estimate $200.
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| Realized $115 |
Lot 1202 |
 German Area, Interesting cover accumulation. 110 mostly 3rd Reich era covers and postal cards, some with fancy cancels, Fine. Estimate $200.
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| Realized $288 |
Lot 1203 |
 German Area, Cover accumulation. Couple hundred covers and cards, 1900 to 1970's with few better Third Reich, and post-war, Average to Fine. Estimate $150.
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| Realized $230 |
Lot 1204 |
 German Area, D.D.R. mint collection on pages. Mostly complete o.g to 1964 incl. #58-67, 82-87, B21, Fine to Very Fine. Estimate $150.
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| Realized $161 |
Lot 1205 |
 German Area, D.D.R. cover accumulation in a large box. About 1000, 1960's to 1990's incl. commercial, FDC's and postcards, nice variety of stamps, Fine. Estimate $150.
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| Realized $184 |
Lot 1206 |
 German Area, Offices in China 1892 to 1901 usages. On 3 pieces with mostly complete c.d.s., 5pf tiny margin fault, few light tone spots mostly on piece, Michel #V37, f, 46c, 47-48b, d, 50d, Fine to Very Fine overall. Michel €580+. Estimate $140.
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| Realized $150 |
Lot 1207 |
  German Area, Small group of mostly n.h. sets. 463-464, B69-B89 all n.h., plus Michel I-III 1912 airmail o.g, Fine to Very Fine. Estimate $100.
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| Realized $63 |
Lot 1208 |
/o German Area, Small pre-1930 collection on pages. About 100 majority used with few o.g. singles, with some duplication, incl. #65A used on piece, Fine. Estimate $100.
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| Realized $58 |
Lot 1209 |
/o German Area, Accumulation on pages and in albums. Few thousand, majority used with few mint o.g. or n.h. Federal Republic issues, lots of used common but few better, Fine. Estimate $100.
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| Realized $46 |
Lot 1210 |
  German Area, D.D.R. never hinged accumulation. 1960 to 1990 with some duplication, mostly sets, Fine to Very Fine. Scott $485. Estimate $100.
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| Realized $127 |
Lot 1211 |
   German Area, 1947-1948 issues in partial sheets. N.h., good lot for the specialists, Fine to Very Fine. Estimate $50.
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| Realized $35 |
Lot 1212 |
/o Greece, Collection in Scott album. Few thousand, 1896 to 1993, majority used with some sets both mint (few n.h.) and used, mostly Fine or better. Scott $1,600 (Owner's). Estimate $250.
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| Realized $334 |
Lot 1213 |
 Greece, Collection of seapost covers. 150 covers or postcards, 1960's to 1970's, shipping lines incl. Greek, Sun, and Ulysses, etc, Fine, Ex Gus Lund . Estimate $100.
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| Realized $127 |
Lot 1214 |
 / Greenland, Collection almost complete to 1999. Few hundred stamps and souvenir sheets, missing only #B6 for completion (does not incl. the "a" numbers), n.h. from 1964 on, Fine to Very Fine. Estimate $300.
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| Realized $460 |
Lot 1215 |
  Haiti, Small group of flight covers. 20 mostly 1927 to 1930 era incl. some Roessler, couple censored, Fine. Estimate $50.
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| Realized $104 |
Lot 1216 |
/o Hungary, Collection in 4 albums. Several thousand on handmade pages, majority mint o.g., mostly n.h. from 1963 on, with some sets both mint and c.t.o., better incl. mint o.g. #486, 871-884, B18-34, C24-25, C26-34, CB1D-CB2, CB13-14, Fine. Estimate $500.
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| Realized $575 |
Lot 1217 |
o Iceland, Used collection on handmade pages. About 200, 1938 to 1967 incl. #209-211, 232-234, 240-245, B6, Fine to Very Fine. Scott $860. Estimate $200.
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| Realized $230 |
Lot 1218 |
/o Iran, Collection on pages. Few hundred, 1870 to 1970, majority used with few o.g. sets, better incl. mint #935-940, B22-27, lots of early reprints, Average to Fine. Estimate $150.
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| Realized $207 |
Lot 1219 |
  Iran, Small group of mint sets. 1169/1292, 9 n.h. sets in quantities of 4 to 20 of each, Fine to Very Fine. Scott $462. Estimate $70.
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| Realized $40 |
Lot 1220 |
  Israel, Extensive collection of singles in 4 White Ace albums. Mint mostly n.h. in 4 White Ace albums, from 1952 on, looks complete (no tabs) incl. #1-9 (high values disturbed gum) 16 (thin), and J1-5, Fine to Very Fine. Estimate $300.
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| Realized $460 |
Lot 1221 |
   Israel, Mint accumulation. Many hundreds n.h. incl. booklets and souvenir sheets, with some duplication, better incl. #10-14 (with tabs o.g.), 16, 27 (with tab), J1-J5, Fine to Very Fine. Scott $1,157 (Owner's). Estimate $150.
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| Realized $207 |

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