Harmer-Schau Auctions

Auction Agents

Some bidders prefer to have an agent bid for them on the auction floor.
The following agents have offered their services.


PO Box 369
Bronxville, NY 10708
Tel: 857-928-5140
Fax: 781-658-2567
Email: info@pursers.com
Trevor Chinery
9 St. Lawrence Way
Stanwick, NN9 6QS, U.K.
Tel: 44 1205 330026
Fax: 44 1572 813226
Email: trevortrilogy@aol.com
Charles E. Cwiakala
1527 South Fairview Avenue
Park Ridge, IL 60068-5211
Phone/Fax: 847-823-8747
Email: cecwiakala@aol.com
Nick Martin
Angel House, Station Rd.
Sutterton, Boston
PE20 2JH U.K.
Tel: 44-01205-460968
Email: nick@loveauctions.co.uk
Frank Mandel
P.O. Box 157
New York, NY 10014-0157
Tel: 212-675-0819
Fax: 212-366-6462
Email: busybird@me.com
Jochen Heddergott
Bauerstrasse 9
D-80796 Munich, Germany
Tel: 49-89-272-1683
Email: jh@aaai.de
Michael Read
Poachers Retreat, Common Lane
Kings Langley WD4 9HP U.K.
Tel: 44-01923-269775
Mobile: 44-07789-441735
Email: michael.read2@hotmail.co.uk

Penny Black

Harmer-Schau Auction Galleries, Inc.
1333 North McDowell Blvd., Suite B • Petaluma, California 94954
Tel: 707-778-6454 • Fax: 707-763-6772 • Toll Free  800-378-6454
E-mail: info@harmerschau.com

Two Pence Blue