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Sale 80
APS AmeriStamp Expo/TEXPEX 2009
Foreign General Collections |
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Lot 2680 |
| Unsold |
Lot 2681 |
/o Foreign, Various Country Collections, several thousand mint and used sets and singles mounted and organized in 20 Scott specialty albums to 1970's, noted Netherlands, Belgium, Austria, Scandinavia, other Europe, few minor faults, but nice collection to expand, inspect, otherwise Fine to Very Fine. Estimate $4,000-5,000.
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| Realized $5,060 |
Lot 2682 |
/o Foreign, Benelux Countries Collections, 4 Scott specialty albums with Belgium & Cols., Netherlands & Cols., plus Luxembourg, mint and used with many better items throughout, starting with the classic issues to modern, clean collections with high catalog value, generally Fine to Very Fine. Estimate $2,500-3,000.
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| Realized $2,070 |
Lot 2683 |
/o Foreign, Indo-China Hoard, thousands of mint and used, sets and singles in albums and small sales cards, noted Laos o.g. collection in Scott album, Viet Nam n.h. in Minkus album, Cambodia, Laos, etc. on cards, North Vietnam in binder and on cards, noted #50 (2 blocks of 25 unused), some older French Colonies and Offices, a lot of value here, inspect, generally Fine to Very Fine. Estimate $1,500-2,000.
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| Realized $2,875 |
Lot 2684 |
/o Foreign, Priced Collections, half banker box of mint and used, mostly Germany and related areas on various album pages, did note Switzerland, Italian related and a Macao collection, good retail potential, generally Fine. Estimate $1,500-2,000.
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| Realized $1,208 |
Lot 2685 |
/o Foreign, Latin America Collections in Scott Albums, few thousand mint and used in 20 vols., several with pages to 2001, better countries incl. Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay, Honduras, Bolivia, Colombia, Nicaragua, Peru and El Salvador, nice collections to expand, noted mixed condition on classics, otherwise Fine to Very Fine. Estimate $1,500-2,000.
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| Realized $3,450 |
Lot 2686 |
   Foreign, Better 1930's-1960's Souvenir Sheet Mint Lot, Few hundred n.h. in 2 albums, incl. Germany with OSTROPA, several 3rd Reich sheets on covers, Belgium incl. #221, B106, France incl. PEXIP, Hungary, Switzerland, Latin America, San Marino, Korea, Cyprus incl. Boy Scout, etc., musty, Fine to Very Fine lot. Estimate $1,250-1,500.
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| Realized $1,725 |
Lot 2687 |
/o Foreign, Europe and Scandinavia Dealer Stock of Better, mint and used in 2 stockbooks, one for Scandinavia with priced #102 cards, few 19th Century (retail $1992); second Belgium and Luxembourg with few classics (few hundred), pricing 25¢ to $400 retail $2292, total retail $4284, generally Fine to Very Fine. Ex Steed Philatelics. Estimate $900-1,000.
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| Unsold |
Lot 2688 |
o Foreign, Scandinavia Mostly Used Collection, 1851 to 1945, on well filled homemade pages, incl. Denmark #6, 8, 15, shades, inverted frames, 65-69, 82, Finland with 1860's issues, Norway with 1, 2, 6-10, 13, Sweden with 7, 18, shades, no Back of the Book, some faults, high catalog, mixed condition. Estimate $1,000-1,500.
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| Realized $1,035 |
Lot 2689 |
/o Foreign, Scandinavia Collection, hundreds of mint and used to 1981 in Scott album, better areas incl. Denmark, Finland and Iceland, clean lot, nice collection to expand, generally Fine to Very Fine. 2002 Scott $8,000+ (Owner's). Estimate $1,000-1,200.
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| Realized $863 |
Lot 2690 |
/o Foreign, Interesting Estate Balance, mint and used somewhat organized in small white envelopes, value in Portugal, noted early imperforate issues used, St. Anthony set to 500r used, #88-96 mint, Thailand classics incl. overprints, early Switzerland, Hungary first issues, Japan, some faults, worth close inspection, generally Fine. Estimate $1,000-1,500.
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| Realized $1,208 |
Lot 2691 |
/o Foreign, Scandinavia Collection on Scott Pages, hundreds of mint and used to 1974, early pages duplicated for mint and used, nice selection of modern n.h. sets and singles, noted Finland #17-24 used (missing 19), Iceland 20 mint, 232-35 mint, Norway incl. 1, 2-5, 10 used, 115-28 mint, Sweden 14 used, 229 mint, complete booklets, Officials, few faults on classics, otherwise Fine. Estimate $1,000-1,200.
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| Realized $805 |
Lot 2692 |
/o Foreign, Italy, Hungary and French Polynesia, mint and used collections, strong in Italy (8 vols. incl. couple hingeless albums) with many better items throughout, plus Hungary collection and a nice section of Tahiti and French Polynesia, inspect, generally Fine. Estimate $1,000-1,200.
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| Realized $863 |
Lot 2693 |
o Foreign, Scandinavia Collection on Homemade Pages, several hundred used in 4 binders, consists of Denmark (to early 20th Century), Finland to 1990 with value in classics, noted #4, 6-8, 12-13, 17-24, 69, Norway with nice #1, also 2, 6-34, and Sweden with 6-12, 14, 17-27, 197-208, some faults on 19th Century, otherwise Fine. Estimate $1,000-1,200.
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| Realized $805 |
Lot 2694 |
o Foreign, Mostly Used European Collections, hundreds on homemade pages in various binders with value in 19th Century material, incl. France, Austria, Hungary, Bulgaria, Italy & States, Greece, Belgium with #39 roller cancel (small faults, with cert.) Netherlands, Bosnia, etc., inspect, mixed condition. Estimate $1,000-1,200.
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| Realized $805 |
Lot 2695 |
/o Foreign, Scandinavian Countries in Scott Albums, hundreds of mint and used in 5 vols. with pages to 2001, consists of Greenland, noted #10-18 n.h. 28-38 l.h. or n.h., Finland mint or used, Scandinavia collection mostly used, Norway with nice 4 margin #1 used, Denmark mostly used, mixed condition on classics, otherwise Fine. Estimate $750-1,000.
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| Realized $1,610 |
Lot 2696 |
/o Foreign, Central America Collection, few thousand mint and used in 2 well filled Scott specialty albums, consists of Costa Rica to Panama, classics to 1970's, 19th Century mostly used, later a mix of mint and used with modern n.h., incl. Airs, Officials and other Back of the Book, better items throughout, usual mixed condition on classics, otherwise Fine to Very Fine. Estimate $700-900.
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| Realized $1,093 |
Lot 2697 |
o Foreign, Eastern Europe Mostly Used Collections, 1860 to 1946, on well filled homemade pages, consists of Bulgaria with better classics, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Poland with #1, Romania and Yugoslavia, dubious items not counted, no Back of the Book, some faults, generally Fine. Estimate $700-800.
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| Realized $690 |
Lot 2698 |
/o Foreign, Mint and Used Country Collections, On pages or in albums in full box, incl. Belgian Congo, Latin America and Arab countries incl. Iran, Austria, Hungary, Portugal, mostly early to mid 20th Century period, generally Fine. Estimate $600-800.
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| Realized $575 |
Lot 2699 |
/o Foreign, Scandinavia Collection to 1950's, several hundred mint and used in Scott specialty album, nice selection of post W.W.II mint, incl. Denmark #3, 12 used, Finland Semi-postals appear complete mint, strong used Norway incl. 2-5, 6-10, 11-13, Sweden with 213-24 used, few faults on 19th Century, otherwise Fine to Very Fine. Estimate $600-700.
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| Realized $460 |
Lot 2700 |
/o Foreign, South America Collection, several thousand mint and used in well filled Scott specialty album, consists of Argentina, Bolivia and Brazil, classics to 1970's, 19th Century mostly used, later a mix of mint and used with modern n.h., incl. Departments, Airs and other Back of the Book, better items throughout, usual mixed condition on classics, otherwise Fine to Very Fine. Estimate $600-800.
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| Realized $748 |
Lot 2701 |
/o Foreign, Mint and Used Group on Stockpages, selection of better singles and sets organized on 1½ pages, 19th to mid 20th Century, noted Italy and France mint, classics used, most catalog in the $20 to $100 range, inspect, few minor faults, otherwise Fine to Very Fine. Scott $4,400+ (Owner's). Estimate $500-700.
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| Realized $460 |
Lot 2702 |
/o Foreign, Collections in Scott Specialty Albums, 4 vols. with hundreds of mostly used for Central and South America, plus album for Italian Colonies (plus Vatican), mostly mint, few faults, otherwise Fine to Very Fine. Estimate $500-750.
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| Realized $518 |
Lot 2703 |
 / /o Foreign, Scandinavia Oldtime Accumulation, many hundreds of mint and used in glassines, on album pages and old auction sheets, incl. large group of new issues in original packets, Sweden with complete booklets, Norway, Finland, Greenland, Denmark, etc., have a look, generally Fine to Very Fine. Estimate $400-500.
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| Realized $374 |
Lot 2704 |
/o Foreign, Asia Mint and Used Accumulation, In full banker box on pages, in glassines, stockbooks, strength in Japan and mint P.R.C. incl. folders, some used dupl. Ryukyu, used Japan, some early Imperial China, etc., Fine to Very Fine overall. Estimate $400-600.
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| Realized $604 |
Lot 2705 |
 /  Foreign, Benelux Mint Stock, n.h. or l.h., many in blocks of 4, incl. Belgium #B532-43, B534a, plus regular and commemorative issues, Ruanda-Urundi 114//132 in multiples, Netherlands B254-75 and other issues of the 1950's period, Luxembourg blocks of 4 of B174-79, B181-91 and other regular and commemorative issues, Fine to Very Fine. Scott $1,500. Estimate $300-400.
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| Realized $299 |
Lot 2706 |
F Foreign, Colombia, Chile and Bolivia Forgery Lot, hundreds on various pages and in glassines, noted Chile Postage Dues, Colombia classics, some apparent genuine Bolivia, inspect, generally Fine. Estimate $250-350.
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| Realized $403 |
Lot 2707 |
o Foreign, Asia Accumulation in Small Box, several hundred mostly used on album pages, stockpages and in glassines, noted Japan, Korea and China, generally Fine. Estimate $250-350.
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| Realized $311 |
Lot 2708 |
/o Foreign, Group of Better Souvenir Sheets, incl. France #B157a n.h., 329 dist o.g., Germany 3rd Reich sheets mint and used, Poland B31 used, Germany Soviet Zone items, couple duplicates, few with minor faults, generally Fine to Very Fine. Estimate $200-300.
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| Realized $207 |
Lot 2709 |
/o/ Foreign, Indo-China Stamps and Covers Group, small stockbook starting with #1 and 2 both mint and used plus other issues, incl. a nice group of 40+ commercial covers and quantities of mint n.h. gutter blocks and first issue Vietnam and some Vietminh issues, generally Fine. Estimate $200-250.
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| Realized $219 |
Lot 2710 |
 / /o Foreign, Scandinavia Mint and Used Accumulation, incl. old Scott album with Denmark and Finland 1970's n.h. issues, old approval books and stockpages filled with used Sweden, Norway new issues in glassines, some faults, otherwise Fine. Estimate $150-200.
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| Realized $219 |
Lot 2711 |
/ Foreign, Brazil, Honduras and Salvador Postal Stationery, group of 140, 19th to early 20th Century (mostly mint) incl some nice double message reply cards, generally Fine. Estimate $150-200.
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| Unsold |

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