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Sale 80
APS AmeriStamp Expo/TEXPEX 2009
Foreign Country Collections - Germany & Colonies |
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Lot 2407 |
/o German Area, Powerful Collection in 7 Volumes, several thousand mint and used in Lighthouse hingeless albums to 1982 (no States), extensive Empire and 3rd Reich with Michel varieties noted and better items expertised (signed), noted extensive shield issues with #22 used (short perfs., cert.), cancels, etc., later Germania incl. #65A used, perforation, shade and printing varieties, lovely inflation period with multiples and many varieties, W.W.I Occupations are incl. with better Danzig and Saar, Allied Zones after W.W.II, extensive n.h. Federal Republic and Berlin, plus better used Berlin signed, dealer's private collection, few minor faults as to be expected, must be seen to appreciate, generally Fine to Very Fine. 2007 Michel €74,000 (Owner's). Estimate $10,000-12,000.
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| Realized $9,200 |
Lot 2408 |
/o German Area, Germany & States Mint and Used Stock, In 6 small red boxes on #102 cards, 2 boxes of States, particularly Bavaria, Thurn & Taxis (retail $22,000) with retail from 15¢ to $60 (no sliders) with condition above what normally seen, minor dupl. only, balance in regular issues and Back of the Book with Offices, and Locals, 19th Century mostly used, 20th Century mostly mint, retail $29,000, generally Fine to Very Fine. Ex Steed Philatelics. Estimate $6,000-7,000.
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| Unsold |
Lot 2409 |
/o/ German Area, States Intact Collection in 2 Volumes, hundreds of mint and used in Lighthouse hingeless albums, most key items expertised (signed or certs.), many varieties, shades and cancels, noted Baden Michel #21b used (tiny thin, cert.), Bavaria cogwheel cancels, #90-91 type II used (both signed), Braunschweig 9b on piece (signed), Hannover 18 used (cert.), dealer's private collection, some faults, but condition better than usual, very nice collection overall, generally Fine to Very Fine. Michel €60,000+. Estimate $6,000-8,000.
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| Realized $5,635 |
Lot 2410 |
/o German Area, Michel Listed Varieties Stock, hundreds of mint and used on small sales cards in 2 boxes, printing varieties, various shades, etc., with duplication, virtually all key items signed, cat. values to €250, Empire through inflation period, plus Bavaria, overall clean stock, ready to be repriced for retail, seldom offered in this quantity, generally Fine to Very Fine. 2006 Michel €21,000 (Owner's). Estimate $3,000-4,000.
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| Realized $2,760 |
Lot 2411 |
/o German Area, Balance of Dealer Stock, several thousand mint and used singles and sets on small sales cards, organized in binders, on album pages, etc., noted better States with some items expertised, stocks of Bavaria (cat.$3000+) and Wurttemberg, Empire, group of modern souvenir sheets, have a look, mixed condition. Estimate $2,500-3,000.
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| Realized $1,725 |
Lot 2412 |
/o German Area, Collection in 3 Lighthouse Hingeless Albums, mint and used throughout starting with useful range of 1872 small and large shields incl. very nice appearing #26 used (small thin), and solid range of commemoratives and Semi-postals from 1930's-50's incl. B49-57, B59-67, Ostropa souvenir sheets (mint n.h. with full gum), etc. plus better Airs (we note C43-45 used) and Berlin issues, please inspect, high catalog here, generally Fine. Estimate $1,500-2,000.
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| Unsold |
Lot 2413 |
/o German Area, Collection on Scott Pages to 1910's, hundreds of mint and used, plus better items in small glassines, noted early high catalog States, some mint Colonies, duplicated pages for mint and used on Germany with an excellent showing of early issues, noted #9-10 unused (both small faults), 11 mint, 13 pen cancel, 28 (2) used, mixed condition. Estimate $1,500-2,000.
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| Realized $1,955 |
Lot 2414 |
  German Area, West Germany Complete Never Hinged to 1994, in 3 Lindner hingeless albums, 90pf Post Horn small stain (signed Schlegel), incl. Semi-postals, clean lot, Very Fine. Estimate $1,500-1,800.
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| Realized $1,150 |
Lot 2415 |
/o German Area, Uncirculated Mint and Used Stock, Organized in 9 binders mostly 1920's-30's period by coin dealer but probably never saw the light of day, virtually all 20th Century incl. better used blocks of 4 incl. #B3-7 through 3rd Reich period, C3-19 (some marginal with pl. #'s), inflation used blocks incl. #165, 256-76 (none signed), only small amount of postwar, States, Danzig, etc., Fine to Very Fine. Estimate $1,500-2,000.
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| Unsold |
Lot 2416 |
o German Area, 1923 to 1945 Collection, on well filled Borek hingeless pages, some items expertised and so noted, better items incl. early inflation issues, Airs, plus varieties on extra pages, many €100+ sets and singles, nice group, generally Fine. 2005 Michel €7,200 (Owner's). Estimate $1,200-1,500.
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| Realized $1,150 |
Lot 2417 |
o German Area, Mostly Used Stock, several thousand organized by Scott numbers in 12 stockbooks, mostly modest catalog, duplicated stock with some mint Federal Republic noted, Empire to 2001, also Berlin, clean group, generally Fine. 2007 Scott $10,000 (Owner's). Estimate $1,000-1,500.
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| Realized $863 |
Lot 2418 |
/o German Area, States Mint and Used Collection, Hundreds on homemade pages, strength in Bavaria, Heligoland, Hanover, all States represented, few dupl., two 1868 North German Confederation covers, Bavaria Railroad, few questionable, above average condition, very high catalog., generally Fine to Very Fine. Estimate $1,000-1,500.
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| Unsold |
Lot 2419 |
  German Area, Berlin Complete to 1974, mostly n.h. (some early used to 1949) in Lindner hingeless album, overprints not signed, very fresh condition, inspect, Fine to Very Fine. Estimate $1,000-1,200.
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| Realized $920 |
Lot 2420 |
  German Area, West Germany 1949 to 1989 Never Hinged, complete in Schaubek album except Post Horn set, incl. Semi-postals and souvenir sheets, clean lot, Very Fine. Estimate $750-1,000.
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| Realized $690 |
Lot 2421 |
 / German Area, Zone and Post War Mint Collection, In 2 Lighthouse albums, incl. American & British Zones with various printings, incl. #585A-99 n.h. (signed Schlegel), plus extras, also Michel #1/1-IX/1 n.h. (signed Schlegel), Buildings mint or used with vars., complete after that, few French Zone incl. souvenir sheets, Berlin incl. black and red ovpt's., virtually complete to 1980, also Saarland, 1949 Bundesrepublik virtually complete to 1980 mostly n.h. (scattered used, few early sets missing), 1954 on n.h., Fine to Very Fine. Estimate $750-1,000.
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| Realized $978 |
Lot 2422 |
/o German Area, Collection in Scott Albums, hundreds of mint and used in 5 vols. with pages to 2001, mix of mint and used to 1950's, balance mostly mint with much modern n.h., Semi-postals, Airs, Bavaria and other areas in separate vol., nice group of Berlin, also D.D.R. mint and used to 1990, noted B21a used, bit of Offices and Colonies mostly used, nice collection to expand, mixed condition on classics, otherwise Fine to Very Fine. Estimate $750-1,000.
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| Realized $1,323 |
Lot 2423 |
o German Area, Used Collection on Homemade Pages, many hundreds in 2 binders to 1945, value in classics incl. #1-11, 14-26, 28, nice showing of Semi-postals, few Airs, Officials, second vol. States, missing key items from 20th Century, usual mixed condition on 19th Century, but nice collection to complete, otherwise Fine. Estimate $750-1,000.
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| Realized $1,035 |
Lot 2424 |
/o German Area, Classics on Pages, group of mostly used, 1850's to 1910's, Germany regular issues appears mostly complete on European pages, noted #1-11 used, 22, 25 mint, plus extensive States at the back, high catalog, mixed condition. Estimate $700-900.
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| Realized $1,265 |
Lot 2425 |
/o German Area, Inflation Issues Stock, hundreds of used and mint organized in stockbook, some items signed, nothing too expensive, but nice stock, generally Fine. 2006 Michel €6,960 (Owner's). Estimate $700-800.
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| Realized $863 |
Lot 2426 |
o German Area, Used Accumulation in Glassines, 150+ with minor dupl., all imperfs, incl. higher cat. items, cancels, 2 shields, incl. Saxony, Wurttemberg, Thurn & Taxis, reprints identified, mixed condition. Estimate $600-700.
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| Realized $575 |
Lot 2427 |
/o German Area, Saar 1920 to 1934 Collection, mint and used on European pages, incl. Michel #28b o.g., 29 used (both signed), also 85b n.h., 144-50, 171-77 o.g., 199-205 n.h., expertised used incl. 104-07, 122-25, 158-59, 168-70 and 161-67, clean lot, generally Fine to Very Fine. Michel €2,960. Estimate $600-700.
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| Realized $604 |
Lot 2428 |
/o German Area, 2 Scott Specialty Albums, mint and used with Occupations and Colonies incl. Samoa #67-69 used on piece and 3 stockbooks with various areas incl. C39 used pair on piece, etc., worth a closer look as there are hidden values, generally Fine. Estimate $500-700.
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| Realized $805 |
Lot 2429 |
/o German Area, Mostly 20th Century Mint and Used Collection, On homemade pages, early period mostly used, 1934 on mint and/or used with better Semi sets, souvenir sheets incl. Ostropa (faulty), 3rd Reich souvenir sheets, Occupation with Buildings, #664a n.h. and used, better Federal Republic both mint and used sets, Post Horns partially complete mint, Fine to Very Fine overall. Estimate $600-800.
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| Realized $489 |
Lot 2430 |
/o German Area, Post War Collection, hundreds of mint and used in old Lighthouse hingeless album, 1946 to 1950's, West Germany, Berlin and various Allied Zone issues, nice group with high catalog, generally Fine to Very Fine. Estimate $600-700.
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| Unsold |
Lot 2431 |
 / German Area, D.D.R. Mint Collection, In 3 Lighthouse albums n.h. to o.g., virtually complete from beginning, early issues hinged, also incl. most souvenir sheets, few with tone spots, otherwise Fine to Very Fine. Estimate $600-800.
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| Unsold |
Lot 2432 |
o German Area, West Germany 1949 to 1979 Complete, used in Lighthouse album, incl. souvenir sheets and Semi-postals, clean lot, Very Fine. Estimate $500-600.
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| Realized $403 |
Lot 2433 |
/o German Area, States and Saar Collection, few hundred used and mint in Lighthouse hingeless album, good selection of States with better catalog items, noted Heligoland with some items signed by Richter, Saar with modern mint incl. better Semi-postals, usual mixed condition on States, otherwise Fine to Very Fine. Estimate $500-700.
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| Realized $518 |
Lot 2434 |
o German Area, Mostly Used Collection, 1851 to 1944, on well filled homemade pages, classics incl. 1-11, 14-26 (22 and 26 unused), 13 pen cancel, with some States, no Back of the Book, some faults, mixed condition. Estimate $500-700.
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| Realized $633 |
Lot 2435 |
/o German Area, 1872 To 1933 Collection, few hundred mint and used in Kabe hingeless album, some items expertised (annotated "ex" in album), classics to 1920 mostly used, extra pages for varieties, few minor faults, generally Fine. Scott $3,000+ (Owner's). Estimate $400-500.
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| Realized $374 |
Lot 2436 |
/o German Area, Soviet Zone and D.D.R. Collection, Mostly mint on pages with dupl. sets and singles used, incl. better Marx souvenir sheets, to 1965, Fine to Very Fine. Estimate $400-500.
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| Unsold |
Lot 2437 |
/o German Area, D.D.R. Mint and Used Collection, Complete in mounts except Marx sheets in Scott album with early mostly used, few early sets mint, 1954 on about 50-50 mint or used to 1958, after that complete to 1980 incl. Semis mint, Airs, Dues complete mint or used, generally Fine to Very Fine. Estimate $400-500.
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| Unsold |
Lot 2438 |
/o German Area, Collection on Scott Pages, starting with 1872 eagles through 1980 Semi-postals, noted #65e unused with certificate, high catalog, generally Fine. Estimate $400-500.
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| Realized $345 |
Lot 2439 |
/o German Area, Mint and Used Collection, Accumulation, In album, stockbooks, glassines, stockpages, mint and used, nothing recent, mostly early to mid 20th Century, occasional better item, set, mostly Fine or better. Estimate $400-600.
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| Realized $288 |
Lot 2440 |
o German Area, Collector Balance, hundreds of mint and used in stockbook (owners cat. $4300+), small boxes, glassines and on stockpages, few surprises, mixed condition. Estimate $400-500.
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| Realized $288 |
Lot 2441 |
/o German Area, Collection in Scott Album, hundreds of used and mint to 1974, incl. Semi-postals with some better 3rd Reich, Airs, Berlin, Occupations, etc., nice collection to expand, generally Fine. Estimate $400-500.
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| Realized $334 |
Lot 2442 |
/o German Area, Related Collection, hundreds of mint and used in Lighthouse hingeless album, consist of W.W.I Occupations, Plebiscites, Danzig, Memel and Saar, nice collection to expand, generally Fine to Very Fine. Estimate $400-500.
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| Realized $546 |
Lot 2443 |
/o German Area, Small Group of Better Items, consists of South West Africa #22-25 used, West Germany B310-13 used, Germany C30c used (selvage missing), Bavaria 8 used (margin nicks), 14 o.g. (small top margin cut), Bremen 2 used (sound), Hanover 8 used (sound), 4 States items with APS certs., Fine or better. Scott $2,387. Estimate $350-400.
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| Realized $311 |
Lot 2444 |
o German Area, D.D.R. Used Collection, almost complete collection to 1990 housed in 2 Davo albums incl. better items, Mao set, 1950-53 definitives, etc., generally Fine to Very Fine. Estimate $300-400.
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| Unsold |
Lot 2445 |
 German Area, Interesting Cover Lot, mostly 20th Century assortment of hundreds, incl. items from most every era and area, some States, better items throughout, have a look, generally Fine to Very Fine. Estimate $300-400.
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| Realized $253 |
Lot 2446 |
 German Area, W.W.II. Serbia POW Group, 39 POW covers or cards from Serbs in German work camps (all different markings), incl. scarce Durazo (Drach) in Albania, Fine. Estimate $350-450.
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| Realized $374 |
Lot 2447 |
/o German Area, Memel 1920 to 1923 Collection, mint and used on oldtime European pages, incl. better group of Lithuanian Occupation issues (cat. €638), also group of forged overprints, nice lot, generally Fine to Very Fine. 2006 Michel €1,325 (Owner's). Estimate $300-400.
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| Realized $345 |
Lot 2448 |
/o/ German Area, Seals and Labels, 1900 to 1970's, about 2000 different plus a few covers, consists of advertising and trade labels, postal labels and seals, charity seals with strength in Christmas seals, events and expositions, great topical appeal, worth inspection, generally Fine to Very Fine. Estimate $300-400.
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| Realized $518 |
Lot 2449 |
 German Area, Danzig Cover Lot, 21 covers and cards, 1920's to 1930's issues on mostly philatelic covers, also 2 with German adhesives, plus 6 covers with overprints on Germany for Poland in W.W.I, clean lot, Fine to Very Fine. Estimate $300-400.
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| Realized $575 |
Lot 2450 |
o German Area, Danzig Mostly Used Collection, 1920 to 1939, on well filled homemade pages, nice showing of issues incl. Semi-postals, Airs, Dues and Officials, worth a look, generally Fine to Very Fine. Estimate $300-400.
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| Realized $299 |
Lot 2451 |
 German Area, 1920's Upper Silesia and Saar Covers, 14 commercial covers, 5 from Saar and 9 from Upper Silesia (incl. 4 registered), nice group, generally Fine. Estimate $300-400.
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| Realized $322 |
Lot 2452 |
 German Area, D.D.R. Complete Mint Collection, mounted in Scott specialty album, #10N1-2852, 10NB1-B204 and C1-C16, with souvenir sheets, plus some unlisted, fresh, Fine to Very Fine. Estimate $300-400.
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| Realized $431 |
Lot 2453 |
/o German Area, Empire and Federal Republic Collection, Mint or used in Sellos album, virtually all 20th Century with 3rd Reich, Berlin, 1970's n.h. sets, few loose, generally Fine to Very Fine. Estimate $300-400.
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| Realized $276 |
Lot 2454 |
  German Area, Zeppelin Mint Group, O.g. or regummed complete group of the 4 sets except 2 of 4m (no 2m), regumming expertly done, Chicago flight with water damage, Fine to Very Fine. Scott #C35-45. Estimate $300-400.
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| Realized $489 |
Lot 2455 |
   German Area, Wurttemberg Mint Lot of Multiples, n.h., full and part sheets, incl. 40 sets #O33//39 (cat. $660), 39 sets O43-51($653), and 40 sets O150-62 ($500), plus extras of some values, Fine to Very Fine. Scott $2,372 (o.g.). Estimate $250-350.
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| Realized $276 |
Lot 2456 |
o German Area, West Germany 1985 to 2000 Complete, used on homemade pages, all with s.o.n. cancels, lovely collection, Very Fine. Estimate $200-300.
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| Unsold |

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