Striving to be the best, not the biggest! |
Sale 66
Worldwide Auction
Foreign Collections: German Area |
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Lot 2179 |
/o Germany Mint and Used Retail Stock, In 3 red boxes on 102 cards, half a box of States (one item catalogs $225, few catalog $20-$50, balance $1 to $20), with very few in poor condition, few early Empire used, balance n.h. to o.g. or used, also Semi-postals, D.D.R., Berlin, some duplication in 20th Century, overall much better condition with few "problems". Retail $14,865. Estimate $2,500-2,800.
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| Unsold |
Lot 2180 |
/o German Post Offices Abroad Mint and Used Collection to 1913, On Safe pages, including China Michel #1 I-6 II, 7 II (mint), 8-14, 15-27 (mint or used), extensive Morocco mint or used and complete, Turkey complete with few extra (few signed), occasional minor fault, but mostly fine to very fine, rarely seen this complete. Cat. approximately $7000. Estimate $2,400-2,600.
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| Unsold |
Lot 2181 |
/o Germany Collection in 3 Scott Specialty Albums, Few thousand mint and used on pages to 1973, few States, but noted better Bavaria, mint Colonies and Offices, some better Danzig, Empire, Third Reich, mint local overprints on Hitler heads including Meissen, Saulgau, Schwartzenberg and Fredersdorf, better early West Germany used or mint including Semi-postals, Airs including South America 2m, 4m mint, Chicago 2m used, interesting local issues for Soviet Zone, Occupations, etc., few faults, but overall fine. Owners older cat. (converted from Michel) $19,000. Estimate $3,000-4,000.
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| Realized $2,300 |
Lot 2182 |
  Germany - Berlin Complete Never Hinged Collection, In Lighthouse album to 1984, both Berlin sets signed Dub, including 1949 souvenir sheet, clean and very fine, seldom offered intact. Old cat. Dm21,000. Estimate $2,000-3,000.
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| Realized $1,783 |
Lot 2183 |
 / Germany 1919 to 1995 Mint Collection, Mounted and mostly n.h. in 4 Scott albums with slipcases, including #323-28, Semi-postals (few 1930's sets l.h.), Airs n.h. to o.g., Occupation, Saar n.h. to o.g. and a few used, good value in West Germany, 1953 on virtually complete n.h., clean, fine to very fine. Cat. (2003-04) $6300+. Estimate $1,500-1,700.
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| Realized $1,610 |
Lot 2184 |
  [German States] Helgoland Extensive Reprint Collection, Lovely group in 2 oldtime albums, all values identified by either the Berlin or Leipzig printings and what year produced, including full sheetlets, blocks, retouches identified, few maybe genuine, few showing the c.t.o. bogus cancels, few varieties with inverted centers, fresh copies throughout and fabulous reference. Estimate $1,500-2,000.
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| Realized $2,520 |
Lot 2185 |
  Germany Post War to 1996 Mint Collection, N.h. (few used values) in 9 Safe albums, early period sporadic, but including Posthorn set n.h. (few gum skips, etc.), 1954 on virtually complete, Berlin to 1989 with 1949 black overprint set, some early sets missing or used, 1957 on complete n.h., clean, mostly fine to very fine. Estimate $1,200-1,400.
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| Realized $1,265 |
Lot 2186 |
/o Germany Mostly Offices Mint and Used Stock, On 107 cards, identified and catalogued, including China with slight duplication and shades, Turkey, Morocco, also New Guinea, catalog prices from a few dollars to $350, mostly fine. Cat. approximately $4500. Estimate $900-1,000.
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| Realized $920 |
Lot 2187 |
/o Germany Mint and Used in Scott Album, To 1940's, scattering of early States, majority of value in late 19th to mid 20th Century, including Danzig, Saar, Memel, Eastern Silesia, some Offices, Colonies, etc., 19th Century mixed condition, later generally fine to very fine. Estimate $900-1,000.
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| Unsold |
Lot 2188 |
 / /o Germany Large Collection in 3 Volumes, Hundreds of mint and used in Scott specialty albums to 1990's, noted some better Empire used, Third Reich mint and used including some souvenir sheets, and other Semi-postals, extensive D.D.R. including Mao set n.h., #B21a n.h., 10NB11 o.g., West Germany with better early Semi-postals mint or used, Saar, Berlin with early used including red overprint set, Bells, later mint, minimal States, Colonies and other areas, few faults on classics, balance generally fresh and fine. Estimate $1,000-1,200.
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| Realized $1,265 |
Lot 2189 |
/o German Colonies and Offices Mostly Used Collection, Few hundred organized on stockpages, noted used Offices in Turkey #1-6, 55-59, Morocco 56, China 47-56, South West Africa 30, East Africa 1-5, 22-29 and Kiauchau 41 (small tear), few minor faults, but overall fine to very fine. Cat. about $5000. Estimate $1,000-1,200.
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| Realized $805 |
Lot 2190 |
/o Germany Mint and Used Collection to 1979, In 2 Scott albums including States, Colonies, Danzig, Empire complete to 1900, 1919 through 3rd Reich mostly complete, West Germany complete (mostly used early period), with 1968 on mostly o.g., Semi-postals complete except mostly expensive souvenir sheets, Airs missing better sets, also Occupations, D.D.R. mint and used, etc., 19th Century mixed condition, 20th mostly fine to very fine. Estimate $1,000-1,500.
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| Realized $1,035 |
Lot 2191 |
 / /o Germany Extensive French Occupation Collection, Hundreds of mint and used organized on black stock pages, excellent showing of issues with most in mint and used examples, noted #3N1-20 used, Baden 5N28-40 both o.g. and used, most other issues used, 5N41a o.g. (APS cert.), souvenir sheets mint, Rhineland 6N30-38 n.h. and used, souvenir sheets mint, Wurttemberg including souvenir sheet mint, overall fine to very fine. Estimate $800-1,000.
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| Realized $834 |
Lot 2192 |
o Germany Used Collection to 1970, Hundreds in Scott specialty pages, plus extra pages for cancels, noted strong Bavaria with OcogwheelO cancels organized by numbers, clear strikes on mostly 4 margin copies, nice group of Saar organized by town cancels, Germany with some better Empire and Third Reich, better early Berlin including overprints, few faults, but overall fine. Estimate $700-800.
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| Realized $575 |
Lot 2193 |
 Germany Two Collection Balances, First mint and used on homemade pages to 1950's, Empire and Third Reich with some better sets and souvenir sheets, Airs, etc., West Germany including Posthorn set complete o.g., Berlin with early mint sets including black overprints, UPU, etc., clean collection (cat. $4500+), second with hundreds in 2 Minkus albums, value in West Germany modern mint and some earlier issues, few faults, but overall fine. Estimate $700-800.
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| Realized $1,035 |
Lot 2194 |
/o German Offices in Morocco Mint and Used Collection, On Schaubek pages, complete per Michel, 1899 set mint, 1900-03 high values mostly used, 1903 set mostly mint, 1906-11, 1911 sets mint or used, few on pieces, all identified by Michel numbers, including scarce cancels, some signed, fine to very fine. Estimate $600-700.
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| Realized $575 |
Lot 2195 |
  German Democratic Republic 1949 to 1972 Never Hinged Collection, In 2 Lighthouse albums, 1954 on virtually complete, including several souvenir sheets, clean, very fine. Estimate $500-600.
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| Unsold |
Lot 2196 |
 / /o Germany Accumulation and Stock, Hundreds of mint and used organized on stockpages, cards, and on APS pages, including West Germany mint, Zones, Occupations, Third Reich, Empire, noted mint Zeppelins, black Berlin overprint set signed Schlegal, Ostropa sheet, oldtime collection in album, old APS books, generally fine. Estimate $600-800.
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| Realized $920 |
Lot 2197 |
  Germany Dealer Stock of Post W.W.II to 1970's Mint, N.h., mostly sets, 4-5 of each, mostly corner blocks, also included scarce Poland #N73 imperforate sheet (tiny fault, retail $200+), very clean lot, fine to very fine. Cat. $2000 (not including N73). Estimate $500-600.
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| Realized $460 |
Lot 2198 |
o German Colonies Cancel Lot, Couple hundred from various Colonies, strongest in Kiauchau, but also noted many Seepost cancels as well as 55+ German East Africa railway cancels, worth inspection, overall fine. Estimate $400-500.
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| Realized $978 |
Lot 2199 |
 / /o Germany 1872 to 1945 Mint and Used Collection, In 4 Safe albums with slipcases, early Empire mostly used, 1919 on mint and used, some Semi-postals, Third Reich reasonably full mostly used, few souvenir sheets, #B134-36 n.h., including 2 empty States albums, occasional duplicate, fine average. Estimate $400-500.
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| Realized $604 |
Lot 2200 |
/o Germany Mint and Used Collection in Minkus Album, To 1984, States including Bavaria, Heligoland, Thurn & Taxis, with Southern District complete, Wurttemberg, early Empire, 3rd Reich with complete sets mint or used, Zones, West Germany, few Berlin, no Colonies, 19th Century mixed condition, 20th mostly fine to very fine. Estimate $400-500.
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| Unsold |
Lot 2201 |
 / German Democratic Republic 1948 to 1980 Mint Collection, Complete o.g. on Scott pages (few later issues n.h.), plus Soviet Zone with Mozart souvenir sheet n.h., also Marx sheets perforate and imperforate o.g., fresh, fine to very fine. Estimate $400-500.
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| Realized $345 |
Lot 2202 |
/o Germany Weimar Republic Specialized Collection, Hundreds of mint and used annotated on homemade pages, duplication for varieties, noted many inflation issues with control numbers, shades, etc., highly specialized, many items expertised (also 2 with certs.), unusual offering, fine to very fine. Estimate $350-450.
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| Realized $633 |
Lot 2203 |
o Germany Used Zusammendrucke Group, Few hundred Germania to Hitler issues on pages in 3 small binders, all identified, moderate duplication, overall fine to very fine. Owners Michel cat. €1800+. Estimate $350-400.
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| Realized $345 |
Lot 2204 |
 German Democratic Republic 1949 to 1974 Mint Collection, O.g. on Scott pages, complete except one item in 1950, plus Mozart souvenir sheet used and #B21a used, fine to very fine. Cat. (1993) $2200. Estimate $300-350.
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| Realized $253 |
Lot 2205 |
  German Occupation of Laibach (Ljublana) Collection, Complete n.h. on album pages, overall fine to very fine, seldom seen. Owners cat. €900+. Estimate $300-350.
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| Realized $460 |
Lot 2206 |
 Germany Mostly Fair and Exposition Advertising Labels, About 700 in stockbook with some duplication, vast majority from Germany with some Austria noted, excellent variety, from 1900's to 1960's (mostly pre W.W.II), unusual, fine to very fine. Estimate $250-350.
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| Realized $348 |
Lot 2207 |
 Germany Mostly 1910's to 1930's Cinderellas, About 625 in stockbook, mostly from Germany, wide variety of subjects, some to 1960's, many colorful labels, fine to very fine. Estimate $250-350.
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| Realized $299 |
Lot 2208 |
 / /o Germany Post War Mint and Used Stock, In 2 stockbooks to 1984, one of each (with later showing one n.h. and one used), including a few Occupations, including #804 mint and used, 824-29 in singles and n.h. blocks of 4, clean, fine to very fine. Estimate $250-300.
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| Unsold |
Lot 2209 |
 / /o Germany Third Reich Mint and Used Semi-postals, Few hundred organized in small stockbook, about half n.h. (few o.g.), with duplication, value in late 1930's to early 1940's period, noted #B173 (2 n.h., 2 used), generally fine to very fine. Estimate $250-300.
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| Realized $219 |
Lot 2210 |
 Germany Mostly Early Exhibition Advertising Labels, 550+ in stockbook, mostly pre W.W.II with some modern, many colorful exhibitions, topicals such as printing, graphic arts, crafts, transportation, music, etc., fine to very fine. Estimate $200-250.
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| Realized $288 |
Lot 2211 |
  Germany Mostly 1950's to 1970's Coil Strips with Control Numbers, Approximately 65 n.h. strips of 5 or 11, including Michel #260xwR (2 in strip of 11), 260yR (1 in strip of 5), 510wR (2 in strip of 11), 1971 set of 10 values with various strips, 1977 Building set, Berlin including #290R (single in strip of 5), etc., clean, very fine. Estimate $200-300.
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| Realized $150 |
Lot 2212 |
 / /o German Democratic Republic 2 Collections, First mint and used on homemade pages, 1945 to 1978, second on Safe pages, n.h. 1974 to 1981 apparently complete, fine to very fine. Estimate $200-250.
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| Realized $180 |
Lot 2213 |
 Germany Local Post and Occupation Mint Collection, On pages, few hundred mint including locals of Hamburg, Lubeck, Essen, few Revenues, Ruhlben delivery set of 4 on cover, Michel listed including Strausberg, Sprenberg, Grossrachen, Leipzig, Dresden, Mecklenburg, etc., clean, fine to very fine. Estimate $200-300.
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| Realized $299 |
Lot 2214 |
 / /o German Democratic Republic and Related Stock, Mostly n.h. (some o.g. and used), hundreds organized on stockpages, including some Soviet Zone and locals, no heavy duplication, many values with control numbers in margins, to about 1970, clean, fine to very fine. Estimate $150-200.
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| Realized $115 |
Lot 2215 |
 / /o Germany Accumulation of Mint and Used, Several hundred small sales cards and glassines, noted Empire, West Germany, D.D.R., few cat. to about $100, most in the $1 to $3 range, good variety, faulty to very fine. Estimate $150-200.
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| Realized $184 |
Lot 2216 |
o Germany - World War II Occupations Used Collection, Couple hundred in Kabe album, including Bohemia and Moravia, Alsace, Poland, Channel Islands, Laibach, Lothringen, Luxembourg, Ukraine, etc., excellent showing of issues including Semi-postals and Dues, plus a few covers, fine to very fine. Estimate $150-200.
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| Realized $230 |
Lot 2217 |
 Germany Ethnic Labels from Sudetenland and Bohemia, Over 250 in stockbook, early 20th Century, good variety, many Schulverein, German Nationalist Society in Bohemia Moravia which participated in late 1930's annexation to Germany, interesting Fascist forerunner group, fine to very fine. Estimate $150-200.
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| Realized $173 |
Lot 2218 |
 Germany 1900's to 1930's Labels, 350+ organized in stockbook, including wartime, Sudetenland and many advertising including soap, alcohol, chocolate, fairs, transportation, etc., a lovely group, fine to very fine. Estimate $150-200.
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| Realized $184 |
Lot 2219 |
 German Occupation of Laibach (Ljublana) Collection, Complete l.h. on album pages, overall fine to very fine, seldom seen. Owners cat. €900+. Estimate $150-200.
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| Realized $184 |
Lot 2220 |
/o Germany - Federal Republic & Berlin 1950's to 1980's New Issues, N.h., several issues in partial sheets of 48 or 49, West Germany and a few Berlin, noted #771-72 (Europa, 48), 800 (48), B360-61 (48), Berlin 9N223-34 (49), plus a few souvenir sheets and used in small glassines, overall very fine. Estimate $150-200.
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| Unsold |
Lot 2221 |
Germany 1932 Los Angeles Olympics Cigarette Card Book, Blue cloth cover, in German, with spaces for color cards (completely full) relating to German participation in these Olympics, unusual souvenir, fine. Estimate $50-75.
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| Realized $81 |
Lot 2222 |
Germany Third Reich Winter Charity Donation Pins, About 25 (clay?), given as premiums for donations to the relief fund (WHW), unusual, fine. Estimate $50-75.
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| Realized $17 |

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