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Sale 122
Northern California Auction
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Lot 1824 |
 France, Classic 1862 to 1890 Mostly Mint Collection, Around 100 on stockpages, minor dupl. with strength in Peace & Commerce issues through 40c value, very high cat. value, Fine overall. 2006 Maury approximately €69,000+ (Owner's). Estimate $4,000-5,000.
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| Realized $4,025 |
Lot 1825 |
/o France, 1870 to 1958 Mint and Used Collection, in 7 SG albums on quadrille pages, starting with Ceres perfed issues used, with the various types, different cancels, strength from Peace & Commerce issues on, with date cancels, occasional mint, 1900-29 issue more mint incl. with blocks, control # pairs and blocks with diff. #s, later issues showing examples mint and used, dupl., incl. Semis, Airs, etc., few 19th Century mixed condition, 20th Century mostly fine to very fine. Realized $12,000 in 2007 auction, intact. Estimate $4,000-5,000.
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| Realized $6,325 |
Lot 1826 |
 France, Mostly Mint Collection to 2000, mounted in Minkus album, Peace & Commerce on virtually complete with mostly used to about 1920, mint and used to 1940, and virtually all mint (later n.h.) after that, incl. the better souvenir sheets, also Airs complete mint or used and back of the book, 19th Century usual mixed condition, 20th Century mostly fine to very fine. Estimate $3,000-4,000.
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| Realized $4,025 |
Lot 1827 |
/o France, Colonies Mostly Used Collection, mostly 20th Century housed in 2 Scott specialty albums, first volume consists of French Africa with mint and used sets and singles with most if not all countries represented, second volume covers most other Colonies incl., but not limited to better Cilicia, Guiana, India, Oceania, Guadalupe, Madagascar, Obock, Reunion, Somali Coast, etc., Fine to Very Fine. 2018 Scott $24,000+ (Owner's). Estimate $2,500-3,500.
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| Realized $5,463 |
Lot 1828 |
 / France, Colonies Mint Collections, 7 Palo or Scott albums mostly to 2000 to 2015 period, albums consisting of reasonably complete incl. better Airs of New Hebrides (British and French), Polynesia, Wallis et Futuna, Guinea, New Caledonia, Guiana, and Guyana incl. few classics, many complete sets plus souvenir sheets, Fine to Very Fine. Estimate $2,000-2,500.
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| Realized $2,875 |
Lot 1829 |
o France, Used Collection to 2000, in 2 Schaubek albums, 19th Century scattered, 20th Century mostly complete incl. Pexip sheet, also some back of the book, 19th Century mixed condition, 20th Century mostly fine to very fine. Estimate $1,500-2,000.
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| Realized $1,208 |
Lot 1830 |
o France, Napoleon and Ceres Classic Used Collection, many hundreds mostly used with occasional mint on hingeless pages, with basic issues and then additional items showing cancels, shades, various types, occasional pairs and later blocks, also Peace & Commerce mostly mint, high cat., mixed condition. Estimate $1,200-1,500.
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| Realized $4,313 |
Lot 1831 |
 France, Paris Expo Cover and Postcard Collection, about 100 mint cards in postcard book of the 1900 Expo, balance incl. some ephemera items from various early Expos, mostly postcard usages but occasional covers incl. U.S. adhesive usages related to the Paris Expos and usages to the U.S., generally Fine to Very Fine. Realized hammer $4500 in 2008 auction. Estimate $1,000-1,500.
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| Realized $1,668 |
Lot 1832 |
 France, Mostly Commercial Covers Intact, mostly commercial group of hundreds, loose, in binders, or on pages to 1980's, strength in 1920's-50's period, very strong in Semi-postals, also Airs, Postal Stationery usages, few oversized, some Colonies, few FD's incl. better, virtually no 19th Century, retail to $100++, mostly Fine or better. Estimate $750-1,000.
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| Realized $1,840 |
Lot 1833 |
 France, Oldtime Cover Lot on Cards Identified, consists of about 97 classic covers, 4 postal cards, 2 G.B. Steamship covers to Vera Cruz, and a few fronts and 24 classic Napoleon imperf or Ceres perfed issue adhesives (all annotated), covers mostly internal usages but few trans-Atlantic and other countries, Very Good to Fine. Estimate $600-800.
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| Realized $661 |
Lot 1834 |
 / France, Mint 1940 to 1976 Collection, in 3 Lindner albums, early period hinged, scattered used throughout, incl. strips, back of the book, later period mostly n.h., clean, Fine to Very Fine. 2007 Scott $4,400. Estimate $600-800.
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| Realized $805 |
Lot 1835 |
/o France, Mint and Used Collection, Scott album with 2 separate collections somewhat dupl. with few classics but useful range of later mint issues incl. nice group of Semi-postals, etc., please inspect, Fine to Very Fine. Estimate $500-700.
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| Realized $805 |
Lot 1836 |
  France, Attractive Mint Collection, Many hundreds from 1924 to 1962 almost all n.h. incl. some blocks of 4, better items incl. #B285-290, B294-299 (x2), B301a, C23-27, and C29-32, Fine to Very Fine. Estimate $500-600.
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| Realized $546 |
Lot 1837 |
  France, Modern Mint Collection, n.h., Many thousands in 7 stockbooks, 1968 to 2000, very extensive with some dupl. incl. nice group of Semi-postal booklets, clean. Estimate $500-600.
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| Realized $633 |
Lot 1838 |
/o France, Various Mint and Used Collections, incl. mint and used to 1974 with Back-of-Book in album; three volumes 1938-59, 1968-94 n.h. incl. Semis and Airs in Lindner albums; mint and used collection to 1960's with scattered 19th Century incl. French Zones in Germany, etc., 19th Century to 1950's used collection on quadrille pages, scattered classics with cancel samples, pairs, also back of the book with occasional better Semi-postal, Airs, precancels, and mostly mint collection in 2 albums to 1998, 19th Century mixed condition, 20th Century mostly fine to very fine. Estimate $500-750.
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| Realized $978 |
Lot 1839 |
 / France, Mint Collection to 1980, Mainly mint o.g. or n.h. collection from 1930's (useful early used incl.) with extensive range of later issues incl. Semi-postals and booklets, please inspect, Fine to Very Fine. Estimate $400-500.
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| Realized $403 |
Lot 1840 |
 France, Colonies Commercial Cover Accumulation, few hundred mostly sleeved, incl. postcards, few FD's, mostly 1930's-50's period, few later and earlier, interesting unpicked group, Fine overall. Culled from retired collector's accumulation. Estimate $400-600.
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| Realized $805 |
Lot 1841 |
   France, Airmail and Back of the Book Collection, n.h., many hundreds incl. some blocks of 4 from 1930 to 1987, better items incl. #C23-C27, C29-C32 (C32 x2), C36 (4), C56-C59 (13 sets), Postage Dues incl. J93-J97 blocks of 4, precancels incl. 840-844 blocks of 4 and some WW II French Legion issues, Fine to Very Fine. Estimate $400-500.
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| Realized $575 |
Lot 1842 |
/o France, & Colonies Collection Remainders and Accumulation, several hundred 1890s to 1940, used to n.h. with mostly mint, incl. Africa, Reunion, Oceania, also Monaco, lots of useful material, Fine to Very Fine overall. Ex Robert Klein Estate. Estimate $300-400.
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| Realized $518 |
Lot 1843 |
 France, Colonies Group of 1920's-30's, a few later, couple hundred, all commercial mail, strength in Cameroon, and Gabon, to various countries incl. U.S., Belgian Congo, incl. corner advertising with the "Drum Call", American Presbyterian, incl. reg., Fine overall. Estimate $300-400.
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| Realized $518 |
Lot 1844 |
/o France, French Area Group, incl. Scott album with Africa, French Community album with various Colonies, modern Congo and VIet Nam, review recommended, generally Fine. Estimate $200-300.
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| Realized $311 |
Lot 1845 |
P France, & Colonies Mint Group, couple hundred issued sets and mostly proofs assortment in glassines, etc., incl. Polynesia, Upper Volta, proofs deluxe, etc., clean group, Very Fine overall. Culled from various estates accumulated over the decades. Estimate $150-200.
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| Realized $374 |
Lot 1846 |
 French Indochina, Interesting Small Cover Group, 50 from 1948-49, mostly same correspondence from Delat to the Philippines, nice variety of adhesives, Average to fine. Estimate $300-400.
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| Realized $489 |
Lot 1847 |
P French Polynesia, Large Collection of Proofs, Over 300 from 1940 to 1998, mostly Die Proofs incl. #136-149, 160-178, C3-C8, C21, and lots of modern issues, great lot for the specialist, Fine to Very Fine. Estimate $1,000-1,400.
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| Realized $1,955 |
Lot 1848 |
  French Polynesia, Mint Accumulation, n.h., many hundreds mostly modern issues incl. many imperfs, some sheets plus scattering of early o.g. issues and few forgeries, Fine to Very Fine. Estimate $400-500.
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| Realized $1,725 |
Lot 1849 |
 / French Polynesia, Collection in Stockbook, many hundreds mint from 1893 to 2004, early issues o.g., balance n.h. incl. some Tahiti and later souvenir sheets, plus group of modern Samoa, worth a close look, Fine to Very Fine. Estimate $300-400.
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| Realized $633 |
Lot 1850 |
 French Polynesia, Better Covers, 32 from 1884 to 1960's incl. 2 1884 Wrappers, Tahiti #30 on cover, 128 on cover, and 1957 Expedition Tahiti Nui cover, Fine overall. Estimate $250-350.
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| Realized $604 |
Lot 1851 |
 French Polynesia, Mint Collection, few hundred o.g. on pages 1892 to 1952 incl. #126-135, C1-C31, B6-B10, Fine to Very Fine. Estimate $200-250.
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| Realized $345 |
Lot 1852 |
 French Polynesia, FDC's and Maxi-Cards, About 600, 1950's to 2006, mostly cacheted unaddressed, incl. better Airmails, Fine to Very Fine lot. Estimate $200-300.
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| Realized $661 |
Lot 1853 |
  French Polynesia, Mint Collection, mostly n.h., in Lighthouse hingeless album, over 100, 1958 to 2000, plus group of earlier Airmails incl. #C11-C28 and imperf pairs of C23-C29, plus couple souvenir sheets, overall Very Fine. Estimate $200-250.
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| Realized $489 |
Lot 1854 |
   French Southern & Antarctic Territories, Better Mint Accumulation, n.h., few hundred mostly early period to 1980's incl. Airs with minor dupl., on stockpages, incl. few proofs, imperfs, part sheets, #37-44, C28 in panes of 25, clean throughout, excellent lot to break down for retail or internet, overall Very Fine. Estimate $600-800.
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| Realized $863 |
Lot 1855 |
   French Southern & Antarctic Territories, Better Mint Blocks, n.h., #28 block of 10 (4 with slight gum disturbance), #30 block of 10, C13-C14 blocks of 10 and C17 sheet of 10, Fine to Very Fine. Estimate $600-750.
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| Realized $1,093 |
Lot 1856 |
   French Southern & Antarctic Territories, Mint Accumulation, n.h., few hundred 1965 to 1983 incl. full sheets and blocks, better incl. #31 (block of 10), C13-C14 (blocks of 4), C18 (10), C21 (5), and C22 (sheet of 10), Fine to Very Fine. Estimate $400-500.
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| Realized $920 |
Lot 1857 |
  French Southern & Antarctic Territories, Never Hinged Collection, 1955 to 1987 select mostly sets mounted on pages incl. Airs, clean, very fine. 2017 Scott $2,100. Estimate $350-400.
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| Realized $489 |
Lot 1858 |
  French Southern & Antarctic Territories, Collection in Lighthouse Hingeless Album, n.h., few hundred 1955 to 2000, value mainly 1970's and later issues with a few covers, Fine to Very Fine. Estimate $200-250.
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| Realized $460 |
Lot 1859 |
 French Southern & Antarctic Territories, Better FDC's, 25 cacheted from 1965 to 1984 incl. #30-32, C7-C8, C14 and C18, clean. Estimate $150-200.
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| Realized $219 |

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