Harmer-Schau Auctions

Sale 122

Northern California Auction

Belgium through Bulgaria
Lot Photo Description Realized
Lot 1747
Belgium, Classic Leopold Cover and Used Collection, European collection on hingeless pages mostly identified by Balasse numbers, through 1867 Issue,incl. cancels, shades, few certs and signatures, pairs, "a" numbers, etc., generally Fine to Very Fine.
Estimate $600-800.
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Lot 1748
Belgium, Mint and Used Accumulation, 2 albums plus stockbook and loose pages with mint/used starting from first issues onward well into modern period plus one Minkus album which is the best, Fine to Very Fine.
Scott $4,000+ (Owner's).
Estimate $400-600.
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Lot 1749
Belgium, Mint Collection, many hundreds incl. souvenir sheets from 1949 to 1966 o.g. in Davo album, incl. most better Semi-postal sets, #435-445, B514, B521-522, B561-566, Fine to Very Fine.
Estimate $400-500.
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Lot 1750

Belgium, Mostly Commercial Covers Intact, mostly commercial group of few hundred, in binders, to 1980's, strength in 1920's-50's period, and in Semi-postals, also Airs, few oversized, etc., few FD's, no apparent 19th Century, retail to $100++, mostly Fine or better.
Estimate $400-600.
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Lot 1751
Belgium, Used Collection, 19th & 20th Century used collection housed in three large stockbooks, general run of material incl. good back-of-book with some better mint items, clean and orderly, generally fine to very fine.
Estimate $350-450.
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Lot 1752
Bhutan, Complete Mint Collection, intact in mounts in 2 Scott Internationals to 2000, o.g. to n.h., also sheetlets, imperfs, etc., very fine overall.
Estimate $1,000-1,400.
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Lot 1753

Brazil, 2 Volume Collection, to 1981, somewhat messy collection in 2 Scott albums, starting with Bulls-eyes with early period mostly used, later mint or used and 1956 on mostly mint, scattered early 20th Century covers incl. Airmail, one stampless, occasional dupl., back-of-book with Airs, 19th Century mixed condition, 20th generally fine to very fine.
Estimate $2,000-2,500.
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Lot 1754
Bulgaria, Mint and Used Collection, few thousand o.g. or used incl. nice group of used early Lion issues, mint #237-243, and 273-279 and few FDC's, Fine.
Estimate $200-250.
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Penny Black

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