Striving to be the best, not the biggest! |
Sale 122
Northern California Auction
North Borneo through Zanziber |
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Lot 1659 |
o North Borneo, Used Collection, starting with 1st issue on exhibit pages, through 1957 QEII issue, also incl. Semis, Dues, few Postal Card usages, Occupation, etc., some cto, nice collection of this popular country, inventory incl., Fine to Very Fine. Estimate $500-650.
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| Realized $1,725 |
Lot 1660 |
/o North West Pacific Islands, Mint and Used Collection, 28 stamps incl. mostly o.g with few used, better items incl. mint #10, and 26, Fine. Estimate $400-500.
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| Realized $920 |
Lot 1661 |
 Palestine, WWII Censored Mail, In three albums written up and identified exhibit of civilian mail, 46 items incl. censor labels and covers from that period, noted are covers from Russia, Greece, France, Hungary, Turkey, Lebanon, Iraq, Ethiopia and Palestine, must inspect, mixed condition. Estimate $400-500.
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| Realized $374 |
Lot 1662 |
/o Palestine, Dues Mint and Used Stock, dupl. in stockbook, hundreds incl. 1923 used dupl. mint and used, Fine to Very Fine. Estimate $200-300.
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| Realized $173 |
Lot 1663 |
/o Papua New Guinea Area, Extensive Collection, Few thousand in 2 Scott albums, mostly mint with some early used, modern issues n.h. to 2009 (pages to 2017), better item incl. #1-8 (o.g., #8 light crease), Fine to Very Fine. Estimate $600-750.
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| Realized $863 |
Lot 1664 |
  Papua, Lakatoi Mint Blocks, Strips, o.g., all with full imprints, incl. #52 2d Cooke n.h. but toned gum, #88, C4, Fine to Very Fine. Estimate $100-150.
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| Realized $127 |
Lot 1665 |
 Pitcairn Islands, Cover and Stamp Exhibit, intact on homemade pages, etc., incl. adhesives to 1957 issue complete, about 78 covers both commercial and FD's (incl. First issue), usages to Scotland, Canada, New Zealand, printed paper rate, surface registered, etc., Fine to Very Fine. Estimate $750-1,000.
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| Unsold |
Lot 1666 |
  Pitcairn Islands, Mint Complete, n.h., to 1996 in Lindner hingeless album, overall Very Fine. Estimate $250-350.
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| Realized $431 |
Lot 1667 |
/o Rhodesia, 1910-13 "Double Heads" Mint and Used Accumulation, Few hundred on stockpages in 4 diff. collections, incl. mint study of 2½d all identified by "SG" and "RSC" numbers, 1/- group of 9 mint and 10 used, very interesting specialized grouping, Fine to Very Fine overall. Estimate $600-800.
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| Realized $920 |
Lot 1668 |
/o St. Christopher, Mint and Used Collection, on page, mostly complete, Fine overall. Estimate $200-300.
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| Realized $311 |
Lot 1669 |
 / /o St. Helena, Extensive Mint Collection, in 4 stockbooks to 2013 and few loose, starting SG#3 (3), with dupl. of the classics and later both n.h. to o.g. and used and with shades, watermark varieties, all listed by SG numbers, all identified incl. SG#16, 16a o.g., 19, quality on early period much above average, early VIctoria n.h. and hinged sets, also better specimen sets incl. SG#97s/112s (2), considerable dupl. of 1922 Badge issue incl. shades, varieties, occasional minor fault, overall Very Fine. Estimate $6,000-8,000.
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| Realized $7,475 |
Lot 1670 |
o St. Helena, Collector's Used Better Duplicates, in a stockbook, dupl. starting from 1890-97 set, better "Badge of the Colony" values to 10/-, overall Very Fine. Estimate $600-800.
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| Realized $805 |
Lot 1671 |
 / St. Kitts-Nevis, Mint Collection on Pages, o.g. to n.h. to 1966 mostly complete, Fine to Very Fine. Estimate $300-400.
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| Realized $431 |
Lot 1672 |
  Singapore, 1948 to 1977 Mint Collection, mainly n.h., housed in 2 Elbe albums on quadrille pages in mounts, complete incl. souvenir sheets, clean, Fine to Very Fine. Estimate $1,200-1,500.
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| Realized $1,265 |
Lot 1673 |
 / Singapore, Intact Mint Collection, in 2 Scott specialty albums, mix of l.h. and n.h. to early 1970's (1a to 20a n.h.), balance n.h. to 2006, appears to be only missing #106a for completion, noted booklets, sheetlets, show souvenir sheets, Dues, Frama labels, etc., lovely collection, very fine. Sold in our 2009 auction for $1323, intact. Estimate $800-1,100.
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| Realized $1,150 |
Lot 1674 |
  Singapore, Mint Group, mostly n.h., incl. #1a-20a n.h. (cat. $500), #20 l.h. (cat. $100), #22 (cat. $95), blocks of #10 and 15 in quantities, clean. Scott $1,320. Estimate $200-250.
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| Realized $242 |
Lot 1675 |
 / Solomon Islands, Extensive Mint Collection, l.h. to n.h. in 3 stockbooks to 2010, complete 1908 on, many Specimen sets, "a" numbers, SG#53h, later souvenir sheets, also 1907, 1908-11 Canoes issue complete used. Estimate $1,000-1,400.
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| Realized $1,323 |
Lot 1676 |
  Tonga, Large Mint Accumulation, mostly n.h., few thousand 1896 to modern, incl. #CO1-CO6, mostly new issues incl. sheets, proofs, specimens, FDC's, plus complete artists original artwork for stamps, worth a close look, overall Very Fine. Estimate $500-700.
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| Realized $2,645 |
Lot 1677 |
 Tonga, 49 Tin Can Mail Covers, 1934 to 1960's, nice variety of stamps, Fine to Very Fine overall. Estimate $200-250.
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| Realized $633 |
Lot 1678 |
  Tristan da Cunha, Extensive Collection, n.h., complete in 3 stockbooks to 2011, incl. min sheets, Potato stamps, SG watermark vars., few dups., etc., overall Very Fine. Estimate $400-600.
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| Realized $518 |
Lot 1679 |
  Tristan da Cunha, Mint Accumulation, mostly n.h., few hundred single, gutter pairs, blocks, souvenir sheets and complete booklets, Fine to Very Fine. Estimate $150-200.
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| Realized $161 |
Lot 1680 |
o Zanzibar, Zululand 1888 to 1891 Used Collection, SG #1-10, 13, 16, F1, mounted on pages, clean, Fine to Very Fine. Scott #1-10, 12-14 $802. SG £608. Estimate $250-300.
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| Realized $311 |

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