Harmer-Schau Auctions

Sale 122

Northern California Auction

1851-57 Imperforate Issue
Lot Photo Description Realized
Lot 568

U.S., General Issues, 1851, 1¢ Blue, Pos. 7R1E, Type I on Cover, #5, on partly printed envelope, trifle reduction at left, "cover with some creasing", adhesive "diagonal crease", very attractive usage of this extraordinarily rare classic stamp tied by "Cincinnati, O APR 7" postmark, to Mt. Vernon, IL, identified on back. Ashbrook found only one position among 1000 entries on Plates 1E, 1L, 2, 3 and 4 that met this requirement; Pos. 7R1E. The fact that only one position met the Type I criteria is why Scott 5, a Type I imperforate stamp, is so rare. The Wagshal census of Scott 5 contains nearly 100 unduplicated records of stamps in singles and multiples, on and off cover. Therefore, #5 is the rarest of all U.S. regular issues prior to the 1868 Grills, and fewer than 20 covers survive, signed Ashbrook, Ex Siegel 1984 Rarity sale. 1990, 2020 P.F. certs.
Scott $110,000. A very rare cover .
Estimate $7,500-10,000.
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Lot 569
U.S., General Issues, 1852, 1¢ Blue, Type II, IV, Plate 1L Accumulation, #7, 9, hundreds used mostly Plate 1L, many identified by pos. incl. scarcer (ex. pos. 30L1L), some certs, few multiples, incl. occasional better pl. like #8-8A-8A, items on pages and in binders, on priced pages, few other plates and 23 of #24 incl. strip, condition varies from very good to very fine, excellent lot for the internet. Many bought individually out of auctions or from dealers decades ago.
Estimate $2,000-2,500.
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Lot 570
U.S., General Issues, 1851, 1¢ Blue, Type IIIa, #8A, Plate IV, used, excellent margins, 2000 P.F., 2020 P.S.E. cert. graded VF-XF 85.
SMQ $1,400 (for common plate).
Scott $1,200 (ungraded).
Estimate $800-1,000.
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Lot 571
U.S., General Issues, 1851, 1¢ Blue, Type IIIa, #8A, lightly canc'd, just touching to huge margins all around and showing large break at top, overall Very Fine. Ex Drews.
Scott $800.
Estimate $300-350.
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Lot 572

U.S., General Issues, 1852, 1¢ Blue, Type IV, #9, o.g., nice margins all round, some marks on reverse, 2016 P.S.E. cert. graded VF-XF 85.
SMQ $1,200.
Estimate $400-500.
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Lot 573
U.S., General Issues, 1852, 1¢ Blue, Type IV, #9, "Pos. 5R1L, double transfer at top", lightly canceled, excellent margins, 2020 P.S.E. cert. graded XF 90.
SMQ $200 + (for normal).
Estimate $150-200.
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Lot 574
U.S., General Issues, 1851, 3¢ Orange Brown, Type I, Pair, #10, complete Steam Ship cancel, left copy margins all round, right copy cutting into, sound and fresh, Fine overall, 1997 P.F. cert.
Scott $680+.
Estimate $150-200.
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Lot 575

U.S., General Issues, 1851, 3¢ Type I 1851 Covers, #10, Select group of 5, consisting of Blood's Despatch (#15L13 - cat. $1000); phonography; and three Paids, mostly clean group, Fine to Very Fine. Ex Skinner.
Estimate $300-400.
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Lot 576
U.S., General Issues, 1851, 3¢ Type I-II Plate Study, #10-10A, about 416 used copies consisting of plates 1E (left and right panes), and 1 Intermediate (right pane), 2E (right pane), and 5E (left pane), some positions may not be completely accurate, few items put up individually some years ago, various cancels incl. Paids, cds, colored, some 4 margined, mostly clean group, difficult to dupl., worth close inspection for this unique lot, generally Fine to Very Fine. Few notations from experts, Ex Skinner.
Estimate $7,500-10,000.
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Lot 577

U.S., General Issues, 1851, 3¢ Types I-II Select 1851 Cover Usages, #10-10A, all except 2 mounted on individual pages, fully annotated showing pl. #s and colors incl. scarcer, embossed corner card, dates start from July incl. July 13 Sunday usage (one 1852 usage), also double transfers, Fine to Very Fine lot. Ex Skinner.
Estimate $1,500-2,000.
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Lot 578
U.S., General Issues, 1851, 3¢ Type I-IV Color Selection, #10-11, etc., group of 27, with group of 4 incl. 3 perfed with the diff. types, balance imperfs with numerous identified shades (per Skinner) incl. scarcer fresh examples, Fine to Very Fine. Ex Skinner.
Estimate $400-600.
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Lot 579
U.S., General Issues, 1851, 3¢ Select Cancel Group, #10-11, 44 diff. incl. 4 pairs, incl. #10-11 with dates of the month, red cancels, various "Steam" cancels, negative "P.O.", some 1857-61 values, very attractive group. Ex Skinner.
Estimate $400-600.
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Lot 580
U.S., General Issues, 1851, 3¢ Select Plate Varieties, #10-11, 40 diff., all identified incl. engraver's imprint, cracked plate, recuts, "gash on shoulder", "neck flaw", etc., incl. type I, fine overall. Ex Skinner.
Estimate $150-200.
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Lot 581
U.S., General Issues, 1851, 3¢ Color Study, Type I-II, #10-11A, used, 34 dated copies showing some very interesting shades incl. scarcer ones, mostly 2-3 margin copies, excellent lot for the shade collector, mixed condition. Few notations from Carol Chase, Ex Shaughnessy, Skinner.
Estimate $400-600.
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Lot 582
U.S., General Issues, 1852, 3¢ Red, Type I, Plate Proof on India, #11P3, brush obliteration, nice to just touching, scarce, Fine.
Scott $1,000.
Estimate $350-400.
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Lot 583
U.S., General Issues, 1852, 3¢ Dull Red, Type I, Plate 2 Complete, #11, complete for all positions 2L and 2R, some obvious marginal copies, incl. pairs and strip of 3, oblong block of 3, couple on piece, many shades, cancels incl. blue, red, Paid, Way, few pen canc'd., additional copies underneath originals, mostly 2 to 3 margin copies but overall fresh group, generally fine to very fine, many years to form and difficult to dupl. Realized $1150 in our 2007 auction.
2007 Scott approximately $3,000+.
Estimate $600-800.
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Lot 584
U.S., General Issues, 1856, 5¢ Dark Olive Bister, Trial Color Plate Proof on Wove, #12TC5b, d, nice margins all around, dark olive-bister with "crease", rose-brown with "corner crease and small thins", lovely Very Fine appearance, 1983 P.F. certs.
Scott $600.
Estimate $150-200.
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Lot 585
U.S., General Issues, 1856, 5¢ Deep Orange, Trial Color Plate Proof on Wove, #12TC5g, nice margins all around, Very Fine, 1986 P.F. cert.
Scott $300.
Estimate $100-130.
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Lot 586
U.S., General Issues, 1856, 5¢ Red Brown, #12, 1867 cancel, nice margins, fresh, Very Fine, 1960 A.P.S. cert.
Scott $700.
Estimate $200-250.
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Lot 587
U.S., General Issues, 1855, 10¢ Green, Type I, Large Die Proof on India, #13P1, cut to shape, Fine, 2012 P.F. cert.
Scott $5,000. Rare .
Estimate $500-750.
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Lot 588
U.S., General Issues, 1855, 10¢ Green, Type I, #13, grid cancel, balanced margins all around, 1983, 2010 P.F. certs. graded VF-XF 85.
SMQ $1,225.
Estimate $400-500.
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Lot 589
U.S., General Issues, 1855, 10¢ Green, Type I, #13, neat cancel, nice margins all round, "faint corner creases", otherwise Very Fine, 1984 P.F. cert.
Scott $800.
Estimate $150-200.
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Lot 590
U.S., General Issues, 1851, 12¢ Gray Black, #17, black grid, excellent margins all around and fresh, 1993 P.F., 2020 P.S.E. certs.
SMQ $500.
Estimate $300-350.
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Lot 591

U.S., General Issues, 1851, 12¢ Gray Black, Pair on Folded Letter, #17, large margins to touching, to London, tied by red Hartford, CT magenta grid cancels and "10", "left stamp with diagonal crease top left", very fresh and attractive cover, Fine to Very Fine, 1992 P.F. cert.
Scott $750.
Estimate $150-200.
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Penny Black

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Two Pence Blue