Striving to be the best, not the biggest! |
Sale 101
Pipex Portland Auction
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Lot 570 |
/o Worldwide Collections, Collection in Scott International albums. Many thousands in 32 albums pages to 1998, majority used with some o.g. or n.h. sets from 1960s to 1980s, better countries incl., Japan, Russia and Eastern Europe and Commonwealth, nothing expensive, but still a useful collection, Fine. Estimate $2,400.
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| Realized $1,840 |
Lot 571 |
/o Worldwide Collections, Dealers stock in red boxes. Many thousands mostly used with scattering of o.g. or n.h. sets on #102 cards in 21 red boxes, lots of cheaper values but incl. cat. values to $75, better countries incl. Canada, Germany, G.B. & Colonies, Iceland, and Papua New Guinea (with mint sets), Average to Fine. Estimate $1,500.
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| Realized $1,553 |
Lot 572 |
/o Worldwide Collections, Fascinating 19th century collection. Many hundreds in Schaubek album, mostly used with scattering of o.g., better countries incl. Germany & States, France, Greece, G.B., Italy, Netherlands, Scandinavia and few Asia, usual mixed condition, but still worth a close look, many pages have old pencil cat. value markings, Average to Fine. Estimate $1,250.
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| Realized $3,220 |
Lot 573 |
/o Worldwide Collections, Lifetime collection in 5 Harris albums. Many thousands mostly used with few modern o.g. sets, pages to 1992, better countries incl. German area, Scandinavia, Canada and some China, Average to Fine. Estimate $1,200.
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| Realized $2,530 |
Lot 574 |
/o Worldwide Collections, Better dealers stock. Many hundreds on cards, majority used with some o.g., better countries incl. Denmark, France, German area, Italian area, and Commonwealth, huge cat. value, but some faulty and mis-identified, still worth a close look, Average to Fine. Estimate $1,100.
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| Realized $1,438 |
Lot 575 |
/o Worldwide Collections, Remainder collections. Thousands mostly used with few o.g. in 44 albums, nothing expensive, but lots of fun, Average to Fine. Estimate $900.
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| Realized $1,093 |
Lot 576 |
/o Worldwide Collections, Collection in 10 Scott International albums. Thousands from 1850s to 1968, mostly used with scattering of o.g. sets, better countries incl. U.S., Commonwealth and Eastern Europe, missing a few pages incl. China, Average to Fine. Estimate $800.
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| Realized $1,035 |
Lot 577 |
/o Worldwide Collections, Collection to 1940. Over 10,000 in 2 Scott International albums, mostly used with scattering of o.g. sets, cat. values to about $75, better areas incl. Western Europe, Canada, Greece, German area and some Asia, Average to Fine. Estimate $800.
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| Realized $2,243 |
Lot 578 |
/o Worldwide Collections, Collection in 33 albums. Thousands on Scott International pages in Harris binders, pages to 1990, mostly used with scattering of o.g. sets, mostly common, but incl. o.g. PRC #1126-1129, Average to Fine. Estimate $750.
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| Realized $748 |
Lot 579 |
/o Worldwide Collections, Estate Accumulation. Thousands of used and mint in various stockbooks, glassines, small boxes, envelopes, noted 1990s new issues from Fr. Polynesia, also 1930s mint Canada to $1 values, U.S. 19th century used incl. large Bank Notes to 30¢, group of covers, early Newfoundland, many better items sprinkled throughout, worth inspection, Fine. Estimate $750.
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| Realized $1,208 |
Lot 580 |
/o Worldwide Collections, Collection in 20 albums. Many thousands on blank pages, 1860s to 1980s majority used with scattering of o.g. or n.h. sets incl. some o.g. Hong Kong and modern n.h. Falklands, Average to Fine. Estimate $700.
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| Realized $748 |
Lot 581 |
o Worldwide Collections, Scott International remainder collections. 14 various albums, no sets, thousands mostly used with scattering of o.g., few better Germany and U.S., Average to Fine. Estimate $600.
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| Realized $345 |
Lot 582 |
/o Worldwide Collections, Dealers accumulation in envelopes. Many hundreds o.g. or used with few n.h. sorted by country in envelopes, incl. Western Europe, Commonwealth, and some Eastern Europe, Average to Fine. Scott $10,000 (Owner's). Estimate $500.
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| Realized $546 |
Lot 583 |
/o Worldwide Collections, Dealers stock and accumulation. Thousands in 30 albums or stockbooks, majority used with some modern n.h. sets, incl. topical issues, Average to Fine. Estimate $500.
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| Realized $460 |
Lot 584 |
/o Worldwide Collections, Interesting accumulation. Many thousands loose, in glassines, and on dealers sales pages, majority used with some o.g. and few modern n.h., condition a bit mixed but still worth a close look. Estimate $500.
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| Realized $431 |
Lot 585 |
/o Worldwide Collections, Large dealers stock. Many thousands on stockpages by country and Scott number, mostly used with scattering of o.g. or modern n.h., mostly cheaper values, great for packet maker or approval dealer, Average to Fine. Estimate $450.
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| Realized $299 |
Lot 586 |
/o Worldwide Collections, Collection in 8 albums. Many thousands mounted on blank pages, mostly used with scattering of o.g. sets, incl. few better Asia and Scandinavia, Average to Fine. Estimate $400.
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| Realized $230 |
Lot 587 |
/o Worldwide Collections, Dealers stock on #102 cards. Few thousand, majority used with some better o.g. sets, and some n.h., incl. interesting Korea and better Monaco, Fine. Estimate $400.
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| Realized $403 |
Lot 588 |
/o Worldwide Collections, 7 Volume Scott International. Pages to 1967, few thousand, majority used with some 1960s mint sets, few better British and Eastern Europe, some page damage from mounts, Average to Fine. Estimate $400.
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| Realized $575 |
Lot 589 |
/o Worldwide Collections, Oldtime intact estate. Few thousand mint and used in several old stockbooks, collection formed during 1920s to 1950s in Hungary, mostly Western and Eastern European material, many common, but noted value in n.h. 1920s to 1940s Hungary with many complete sets and souvenir sheets incl. #CB10, also some better Austria, Greece, Russia, great project to work on, Fine. Estimate $400.
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| Realized $1,265 |
Lot 590 |
/o Worldwide Collections, Collection in 7 Scott International albums. Few thousand with pages to 1970, majority used with scattering of o.g. and few n.h. sets, with some interesting Eastern Europe, U.S. and modern Swiss, few mint stuck to pages, Average to Fine. Estimate $400.
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| Realized $575 |
Lot 591 |
/ Worldwide Collections, Mint dealers stock. Few thousand in 10 small stockbooks to late 1960s, majority o.g. with some modern n.h., mostly cheaper values, but incl. some better Austria and Bulgaria, o.g., hinged or never hinged, mostly Fine or better. Estimate $350.
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| Realized $242 |
Lot 592 |
o Worldwide Collections, Balance of estate. Thousands of used in stockbooks and glassines, incl. New Zealand, Netherlands, Germany, plus Commonwealth, also some FDCs, Average to Fine. Estimate $300.
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| Realized $184 |
Lot 593 |
/o Worldwide Collections, Dealers stock in binders. Many hundreds on sales pages in 7 small binders, majority used with some o.g. or modern n.h. sets, better countries incl. Hungary, Italy, Japan and Commonwealth, Average to Fine. Estimate $300.
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| Realized $345 |
Lot 594 |
/o Worldwide Collections, Small dealers stock. Couple hundred on #102 cards, mostly used better issues with few o.g. sets, incl. France, Scandinavia and Commonwealth, lots of cat. value, but should be examined because of misidentification and condition issues, Average to Fine. Estimate $300.
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| Realized $288 |
Lot 595 |
/o Worldwide Collections, Dealers stock on #102 cards. Few thousand, majority used with some o.g. or n.h. sets with a few interesting Europe and Asia area, plus accumulation sorted in glassines, Average to Fine. Scott $4,000 (Owner's). Estimate $300.
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| Realized $374 |
Lot 596 |
/o Worldwide Collections, Interesting accumulation. Many hundreds, majority Asia incl. Japan, Japanese Occupation of Malaya part sheets, Ryukyus 1958 Numeral issues incl. #44b (cat. $150), Korea, early Panama overprint sheets, some Australia and G.B., plus small group of U.S. Bank Notes, Average to Fine. Estimate $300.
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| Realized $575 |
Lot 597 |
/o Worldwide Collections, Dealers stock. Many hundreds on stockcards and #102 cards, majority used with some o.g. or modern n.h. sets, few better Commonwealth and Eastern Europe, Average to Fine. Estimate $250.
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| Realized $242 |
Lot 598 |
o Worldwide Collections, Collector accumulation. Few thousand on stockpages in 5 binders, mostly used with scattering of modern o.g. or n.h. sets, incl. some mint Andorra, used China, Commonwealth and Latin America, worth a close look, Average to Fine. Estimate $250.
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| Realized $265 |
Lot 599 |
o Worldwide Collections, Dealers stock. Few thousand on pages and in dealer sales books, mostly used with scattering of mint sets, few better British and Scandinavia, Fine. Estimate $250.
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| Realized $219 |
Lot 600 |
o Worldwide Collections, Remainder lot in 3 bankers boxes. Thousand mostly used on paper, off paper in glassines and stockpages plus few covers, and interesting group of Brazil revenue stamps on partial documents, Average to Fine. Estimate $250.
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| Realized $161 |
Lot 601 |
o Worldwide Collections, Scott International Junior albums. 4 various vols., few thousand mostly used with few o.g., plus 1881 Scott International album, no stamps some damage to pages, Average to Fine. Estimate $250.
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| Realized $196 |
Lot 602 |
/ Worldwide Collections, Various topical collections. Many hundreds mostly n.h. with some FDCs, incl. Pope John Paul, Space, Elvis Presley, Betty Boop, and NY Yankees, Fine to Very Fine. Estimate $250.
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| Realized $431 |
Lot 603 |
o Worldwide Collections, Balance of estate. Few thousand mostly used with scattering of n.h. sets incl. Czechoslovakia, few Asia and some topical FDCs, Fine. Estimate $250.
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| Realized $150 |
Lot 604 |
/o Worldwide Collections, Balance of estate. Thousands in 4 boxes, majority used but some n.h. U.N. and Israel, used U.S., Germany, France and balance of the world, Average to Fine. Estimate $250.
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| Realized $403 |
Lot 605 |
Worldwide Collections, Interesting collection in 2 albums. Few hundred majority o.g. sets with few used, better items incl. mint Eritrea #168-174, Newfoundland 145-159, Somalia 156-163, some better Belgium, France & Cols., worth a close look, Fine. Estimate $250.
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| Realized $299 |
Lot 606 |
o Worldwide Collections, Interesting balance of dealers stock. Few thousand in glassines and in 2 old albums, majority used with some o.g. sets and singles, some interesting France, Germany, and U.S., worth a close look, Average to Fine. Estimate $250.
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| Realized $173 |
Lot 607 |
/o Worldwide Collections, Balance of collection. Collection of Mongolia, Israel and Colombia in albums with some o.g. sets plus used accumulation in small boxes incl. some Russia in glassines, Europe, and British, Average to Fine. Estimate $200.
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| Realized $230 |
Lot 608 |
/o Worldwide Collections, Remainder collections. Few thousand in 11 albums incl. Venezuela with o.g. sets, used Japan, mint Luxembourg and various worldwide, Average to Fine. Estimate $200.
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| Realized $242 |
Lot 609 |
Worldwide Collections, Interesting accumulation. Many hundreds in Scott International vol. 1, with few better British, Eastern Europe on old Elbe pages, small Laos and France collections, and stockbook with worldwide, Average to Fine. Estimate $200.
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| Realized $207 |
Lot 610 |
/o Worldwide Collections, Dealers stock on sales cards. Few hundred majority mint with some n.h. incl. DDR, Hungary, France, Switzerland and few damaged gum U.S., Fine. Scott $1,300 (Owner's). Estimate $200.
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| Realized $127 |
Lot 611 |
/o Worldwide Collections, Balance of collection. Few thousand on pages and loose incl. few interesting o.g. Saar and Manchukuo, 19th century British and Europe, Average to Fine. Estimate $200.
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| Realized $253 |
Lot 612 |
/o Worldwide Collections, Dealers stock of souvenir sheets. Many hundreds n.h. and cto'd, with a couple better Japan, Fine. Estimate $200.
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| Realized $334 |
Lot 613 |
/o Worldwide Collections, Balance of estate. Many hundreds incl. U.S. collection mostly used with few modern n.h., G.B. with some o.g. sets, other Commonwealth, U.S. postcards and supplies incl. Vario pages, Average to Fine. Estimate $200.
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| Realized $196 |
Lot 614 |
o Worldwide Collections, Collection to 1930. Many hundreds in Strand album, incl. some interesting British and some Asia area, condition bit mixed, but still worth a look. Estimate $200.
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| Realized $265 |
Lot 615 |
/o Worldwide Collections, 2 Volume Scott International. Few thousand majority used, but some o.g. 1940s sets, few better Germany, Asia, and French area, Fine. Estimate $200.
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| Realized $242 |
Lot 616 |
/o Worldwide Collections, Accumulation of mini-collections. About 50 on album pages, thousands mostly used with some o.g. sets, incl. some interesting British, Latin American and China, Average to Fine. Estimate $200.
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| Realized $288 |
Lot 617 |
/o Worldwide Collections, Collection in 1914 Scott International Junior album. Many hundreds mostly used with scattering of o.g., with some better U.S. and Asia area, mixed condition, album damaged, but still worth a look, Average to Fine. Sarah M. Bosworth collection. Estimate $200.
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| Realized $299 |
Lot 618 |
/o Worldwide Collections, Balance of estate. Incl. Russia and Switzerland collections in Scott albums, British and foreign with a few o.g. sets, plus U.S. and Canada FDCs (U.S. mostly uncacheted), Fine. Estimate $200.
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| Realized $138 |
Lot 619 |
o Worldwide Collections, Collection in 10 albums. Few thousand mostly used with scattering of o.g., plus few n.h. sets from New Zealand, and cto'd Russia, Average to Fine. Estimate $200.
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| Realized $150 |
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