Harmer-Schau Auctions

Sale 80

APS AmeriStamp Expo/TEXPEX 2009

Commonwealth Country Collections - Canada & Provinces
Lot Photo Description Realized
Lot 2176
Canada, Semi-Official Mint and Cover Collection, Well annotated with maps showing town and routes in binder, adhesives incl. #CL2-12, 12a, 12 block of 4 (2 horiz. tete-beche pairs), 13 (2), 18, 24, 25b, 38, 30c, 30f, 40, 40a, 41-42, 44-46, 48-52, covers incl. CLP5, CL3, 10 (2), 13 (2), 40 (24), 42 (9), 46 (9), 47 (7), 49-50, 51 (2), 52 (2), several pilot signed, several Western Canada Airways with adhesives tied by m.s. "WCA", very attractive collection, Fine to Very Fine lot.
2008 Unitrade C$6,000+.
Estimate $3,500-4,000.
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Lot 2177

Canada, Select Better Mint, Under 100 in stockbook, o.g. to regummed, incl. Jubilees, 1908 Tercentenary complete, Edward to 50¢, Victoria to 20¢, Admirals to $1, few Special Delivery, Registered, few better 1920's-40's, etc., few n.h., few with faults on reverse, fresh throughout and decent centering, Fine to Very Fine overall.
Estimate $2,600-3,000.
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Lot 2178
Canada, Valuable Stock, 4 thick Elbe stockbooks with mint issues starting with small queens to modern postage and Back of the Book items, strong in numerous early mint n.h. incl. #85 (3), 86 (2), 99 (2), 104//22, coils, 158-59, 176-77, 195-201 (2), 217-27, 241-45, 249-62, etc. plus C2 (7), E2, E8 (3), Postage Dues, MR1 (10), MR3 (3), MR5 (4), etc., a clean lot with huge total catalog value, worth close inspection, generally Fine to Very Fine.
Estimate $3,000-4,000.
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Lot 2179
Canada, Mint and Used Collection, couple hundred, between #4 and 302, fairly complete for period on black stockpages, early issues used, noted #15-20 (no 16), large Queens 21-30 used, small Queens mint to 6¢ others used, Jubilees complete mint to $1, Quebec set used, Admirals complete mint with some n.h., later issues mostly mint with sets to $1 (missing #149-59), most later issues n.h., occasional minor fault, but many well centered with fresh colors, inspect, otherwise Fine to Very Fine.
Estimate $3,000-3,500.
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Lot 2180
Canada, High Quality Mint Collection, Mostly hand picked n.h. balance of collection in Lighthouse album, starts #34-36, and incl. #66, 69 n.h., 50, 55, 56 (regummed), Tercentenary to 15c, few Victoria, Edward, Admirals to 50c with coils and few dups. l.h., 1935 on reasonably complete, Special Delivery mostly complete, Officials with 1949-50 set, etc., virtually all selected for centering, Very Fine or better.
Estimate $1,700-2,000.
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Lot 2181
Canada, Massive New Issue Lot, n.h., thousands of sets and singles in glassines and on cards in 2 banker boxes, noted booklets, sheetlets, etc., issues from 1950's to early 2000's, face values to $5, many premium items, very high face, unpicked, Fine to Very Fine.
Estimate $2,500-3,000.
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Lot 2182
Canada, Collection in Scott Album, many hundreds of mint and used in 2 vols. to 1992 (pages to 2001), classics to late 1930's mostly used with some scattered better mint, noted used #15-19 (no 16), various large and small Queens to 50¢, Jubilee complete to 50¢, 84 (2), Quebec set used or mint, 119-121 o.g., 159 o.g. and used, later sets to $1 mint, loads of modern postage, Airs complete mint incl. C2 n.h., Special Delivery incl. E2 n.h., Officials mostly used, nice selection of Newfoundland mostly mint incl. 37, 40 unused, 115-26 o.g., 131-44 o.g., Airs incl. C6-C11, C13-C17, some faults on classics, but condition better than usually seen, generally Fine to Very Fine.
Estimate $2,000-2,500.
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Lot 2183
Canada, Mint and Used Collection, several hundred in Scott specialty album, most pages duplicated for mint and used, noted classic used incl. #4-5, 8, 12, 20, some large and small Queens used with shades, Jubilees to 50¢ used or mint, Admirals to $1 mint, 158 n.h., 177 o.g., several GV issues in blocks of 4 mint, some postage to 1970's, Airs, Dues, Special Delivery, few Officials, some faults, otherwise Fine.
Estimate $1,500-2,000.
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Lot 2184
Canada, Mint and Used Collection to 1993, hundreds in 2 Scott specialty albums, classics mostly used noted #23, Jubilees complete to 50¢ (50-51 mint), plus $2 (not roller cancel), 84, 95, 100, 102, 1930 on virtually all mint with all sets to $1, mid 1930's on virtually all n.h. and appears complete with some plate blocks scattered throughout, Airs complete n.h., Dues, Special Delivery and Officials (used), condition better than usual, nice collection to expand, generally Fine to Very Fine.
Estimate $1,500-1,800.
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Lot 2185
Canada, Mostly Mint Collections and Stock, In 3 boxes, collections and stock value mostly in modern face, incl. few earlier mostly used, few Provinces, stock sorted mint with dupl., some year sets, etc., Fine to Very Fine overall.
Estimate $1,000-1,500.
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Lot 2186
Canada, Retired Dealer Stock, hundreds of mint and used on oldtime sale pages, classics to 1950's, noted #65 regummed, 96-103 mint, 158 l.h., Admirals, nice group of Revenues, hundreds of used OHMS perfins, mint Newfoundland incl. #189a (8 pairs no gum, light stains), 208a block of 4, inspect, few faults, generally Fine.
Estimate $1,000-1,200.
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Lot 2187
Canada, Modern Mint Collection, few thousand o.g. sets in 3 albums and n.h. on stockpages, mostly 1930's to 2005, incl. earlier sets to $1, modern souvenir sheets, booklets, sheetlets, Officials, Dues, high face value, overall Very Fine.
Estimate $800-1,200.
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Lot 2188
Canada, Mint Better Accumulation, Sorted n.h. to o.g. in stockbook, mostly 1898 Maps selection on incl. 1908 Tercentenary, 1946 Issue (3 sets plus blocks, pl. blocks), better Back of the Book incl. Air blocks, Registration shades used to 8¢ mint, Officials incl. perf initials, 4 Semi-Officials, few modern, few Newfoundland, very clean lot, Fine to Very Fine.
Scott $4,500+ (Owner's).
Estimate $700-900.
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Lot 2189
Canada, Better Never Hinged Stock, organized on stockpages and in glassine, 1920's to early 1950's better catalog issues, some duplication, clean group, generally Fine to Very Fine.
Scott $3,900+ (Owner's).
Estimate $700-800.
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Lot 2190
Canada, Collection on White Ace Pages, mostly mint, large Queens to 1950's, noted #46-47 o.g., 59 o.g., 84 used, Quebec set o.g. (no 7¢), scattered better items onwards incl. some blocks, Back of the Book incl. Officials mint, generally Fine to Very Fine.
Scott $4,000+ (Owner's).
Estimate $700-800.
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Lot 2191
Canada, Mint and Used Accumulation, In box, incl. dupl. mint and used stock (from small Queens) in binders, some better mint on black cards noted, modern year sets and face in blocks and singles on pages, worth inspection, generally Fine to Very Fine.
Estimate $700-800.
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Lot 2192
Canada, Mint and Used Perf. Official Group, Around 200 mint and used with minor dupl., mostly 1938 Pictorial issue on, incl. some different orientations, few large holes but mostly small, also Airs and Back of the Book, generally Fine to Very Fine.
Estimate $500-700.
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Lot 2193
Canada, Mint and Used Accumulation, hundreds in albums, stockbooks and glassines, noted better 1930's to 1940's n.h. incl. Airs, modern postage incl. booklets, few Semi-Official Airs mint, nice group of Newfoundland on White Ace pages, few faults, otherwise Fine.
Estimate $600-700.
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Lot 2194
Canada, Provinces on Pages and In Glassines, noted New Brunswick #1-2, British Columbia 2, Nova Scotia 1-2 all in small glassines, balance on Scott specialty pages, value in Newfoundland mint and used, mixed condition.
Estimate $500-700.
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Lot 2195
Canada, Used Collection to 1972, few hundred in 2 Lighthouse hingeless albums, noted 14//19, 20, large Queens to 15¢, small Queens to 50¢, #59-60, 84, 95, Quebec set, later sets to $1, some Back of the Book, second vol. sparse Provinces with a bit of Newfoundland, few faults on 19th Century, otherwise Fine.
Estimate $500-700.
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Lot 2196
Canada, Modern Postage Lot, hundreds of singles, blocks and a few sheets in year sets, stockbooks, sheet files and glassines, good variety, inspect, Very Fine.
Estimate $300-400.
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Lot 2197
Canada, Postal History Lot, few hundred in banker box, stampless to 1960's, noted group of 3¢ small Queens, 3 Semi-Official flights with adhesives, 1930's and 1940's First Day's, some advertising and a bit of Provinces, few faults, have fun, generally Fine.
Estimate $300-400.
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Lot 2198
Canada, Mostly Modern Mint Lot, Collection of singles and plate blocks in 2 albums, 1940's to 1980's, stockbook with used (not counted) and small box with plate blocks in glassines to 8¢ issues, generally Fine to Very Fine, face Can$460.
Estimate $250-300.
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Lot 2199
Canada, Newfoundland Stock, dealer stock of mostly used, #44//J1, quantities range from 1 to 20+, occasional fault, otherwise Fine.
2006 Scott $1,800+ (Owner's).
Estimate $250-300.
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Lot 2200
Canada, Air Letter Sheet Collection, 80+ mostly used, GVI to early QEII, noted Armed Forces Air Letter sheets into Canada from various Canadian military APO's in England, censored, Forces Air Letter sheets, albino print, miscut, different printing plates, some Naval censored items, POW cards, etc., lovely collection which could form the basis of an exhibit, generally Fine to Very Fine.
Estimate $200-300.
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Lot 2201
Canada, 1960's to 1990's Collection, unusual group on homemade pages, variety of issues (not complete) with most issues mint, plus First Day and some used, also year sets for 1982-83 and 1986-88, clean lot, Fine to Very Fine.
Estimate $150-200.
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